Wednesday, December 18, 2013

By Eugenia Dickerson

When in necessity for professional lawn care Tulsa Ok provides a good location to consider first. The exercise of caring for a lawn can be hectic and demanding, although the outcomes of properly maintained lawns are amazing. Tasks entailed in this process have caused some people to go for artificial turf, which is known to have numerous negative effects to surroundings and human health.

The major activities entailed in caring for lawns are fertilizing, mowing, seeding, and watering. In between these activities are other smaller jobs such as weeding and replanting. It is common sense however that before maintenance starts, the grass needs to be planted. Hydroseeding is a preferable method of laying grass in the soil and it is getting adopted by many individuals around the world.

Hydroseeding is a nice way of planting since it ensures vigor of growth and uniformity. This method uses a mixture of slurry which consists of fertilizer, mulch, dyes, seeds, and water. Mulch assists in retaining water whereas fertilizer makes sure that seeds germinate with vigor. Water provides seedlings and seeds with the moisture needed for germination to take place. Dyes are an extra ingredient which is intended to keep the soil looking colorful after growing seeds.

Watering is usually the first activity in caring for lawns especially in dry areas or seasons, but it may come at later times in rainy areas and seasons. Watering is not a process that can be done at any time one feels like. There are specific signs that need to be observed before water is applied to the grass. Such signs include dehydration and wilting of leaves, curling blades, color change to bluish-green, and long-staying footprints within the area.

Most lawns need an estimated amount of one inch of water in a week. Watering must be accomplished using correct appliances and it must be sufficiently deep. Heavy and deep irrigation encourages root to grow extensively and deeply. Deep, extensive root systems assist plants to endure dry seasons better. Water also functions as cooling agent in dry seasons and regions.

The next process is fertilizing. Grasses require nitrogen and other plant nutrients to develop healthily during active growth. The kind of fertilizer to be used depends on the breed of grass. Fertilizing must occur during fall and winter for cold-season species. Time interval between fertilizing should be spread closely and should not be performed when grass is dormant. Consulting the seller from whom the grass was bought can give one more information concerning fertilizing because this process varies a lot among species.

Everybody knows that lawns must be mowed, but not every person is aware of the specifications entailed in the mowing process. First, this exercise has only to be performed when grasses attain the right age. Height must be maintained at about 3 inches too. Mowing too low leads to stress and might affect growth and development. Trimming must be performed particularly on the borders where the mowing equipment cannot chop the grass nicely to ensure uniformity.

When in need for well done lawn care Tulsa Ok must be given priority. The area is packed with firms that provide quality services at affordable costs. They can be rented at any time.

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