Tuesday, December 31, 2013

By Roslyn Gleaves

Fresh herbs and spices can make a world of difference in the flavor of your dishes, but they can get expensive to get at the grocery store on a consistent basis. One way to reap the benefits without wasting lots of cash is to make your own natural herb planter. You can have fresh natural herbs on hand when you want them, and you simply cut off the amount you need without having a leftover bunch that gets wasted.

Several herbs are easy to grow in a home garden, even for novice gardeners. Lots of common plants don't cost a lot money at your local gardening center, so you do not have to worry about starting from seeds.

Discovering a Location for Your Natural Herb Garden

Discovering an optimal area to grow herbs is vital, yet usually a challenge. You also need sunshine for your spices to grow well. The ideal spot to put your planter is in a bright spot and in close proximity to your food prep area. This can be in your kitchen or outside, depending on your climate and light available.

A hassle-free herb planter is one that is in close proximity yet not getting in the way. It is convenient if you have a countertop to spare, but not everyone has extra space.

Why Vertical Containers are Great for Growing Herbs

This is where a vertical herb garden is convenient. Rather than placing it on a table, counter top or floor, an upright planter can be hung out of the way on a wall. In addition, a higher place most times will have even more sunshine, which will help plants grow better and remain healthy.

Vertically-designed planting containers can also be remarkably compact. This means that you can plant even more seasonings and have the ability to enjoy a greater number of flavors without using up an entire wall.

Herbs are an ideal option for upright planters due to the fact that many varieties don't grow very big and require very little soil. This means that gardeners can opt for a structure that is compact and lighter in weight.

Container Kits You Can Purchase

You can buy inexpensive upright gardening kits that let you plant and hang your garden immediately without a lot of trouble. Lots of kits come with areas that can be removed or can be quickly refilled with different plants. For herbs that are annuals, this will make your yearly herb planting job simple and quick.

Creating Your Own Vertical Garden

Alternatively, if you are handy or imaginative, you can make your own upright planter that fulfills your specific needs for size and shape. Some containers are built from recycled containers like shipping pallets. Others can be made from easy materials such as gutters from your neighborhood home improvement store.

Herbs to Grow

You can start your plants from seed, however, many people find that buying young plants at the neighborhood nursery is much simpler and less trouble. Some options that grow well in upright planters include parsley, cilantro, thyme, oregano, chives, stevia, marjoram, sage and tarragon. Rosemary and lavender tend to get to large for a small garden, but that doesn't imply that you cannot attempt.

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