Friday, December 13, 2013

By Jeannie Chapman

Decorative landscape borders or curbs can provide you with several benefits. They can act as barriers between yards and swimming pools, define the boundaries of public areas, make your property more valuable as well as add color and style to a yard. By choosing to install decorative curbing Louisville inhabitants can accentuate playgrounds, flowerbeds and walkways to make their properties have a neatly trimmed appearance.

Landscape borders also simplify mowing work for property owners. They make it easier for a person to mow around the edges of pools and gardens. If your property is surrounded by curbing, you do not have to worry about throwing out rocks or debris that could injure a person, child or pet that is in the yard as your property is being mowed.

You can also use landscape borders to create a restricted area for children. By installing them around flowers or close to the swimming pool, children will understand that they should not go beyond them. Curbing can also help you create limits on where your children can play if you have playground equipment such as swing sets.

Decorative curbing comes in a variety of colors and styles that can add color to any yard. For example, red bricks can be used to provide a nice contrast to a yard that has green grass. Property owners who prefer keeping the same color scheme throughout their yards can purchase bricks which complement the color of the grass or mulch in their flower beds. This can bring about a nice color transition from the curb to the garden or yard.

If you have a property that you want to sell, you can install decorative curbing on it to create a neat appearance that potential buyers will love. Curb appeal entices many potential buyers to make an offer on a property because it brings about a favorable first impression. Attractive landscape borders also turn ordinary walkways into attractive walkways that highlight areas that have active plant growth.

Home improvement stores sell many different kinds of landscape borders. They are made from different materials with the most durable borders being made of brick, stone and concrete. Some landscape borders are made from more affordable materials like plastic and wood. Plastic edging is easy to install since you only have to unroll, cut it to size and embed some part of it under the surface of the soil.

Landscape borders made from wood offer a natural and homey appearance because they blend with natural outdoor environments. You can either use precut timber or wood bundles that are bundled together using wires. To get a uniform look, you need to level the ground first. To install wood borders, you should dig a six inch ditch to ensure stability. Sizable nails are also useful for increasing stability.

Concrete is the ideal material to choose if you want your curb to have many decorative designs or patterns. You can purchase concrete mixes that have molds or stains because they are great for creating stone like or brick like patterns. After deciding to utilize concrete for their decorative curbing Louisville dwellers should hire the services of curbing installers because concrete should be mixed and molded well before it is applied to a yard.

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