Sunday, December 22, 2013

By Harriett Crosby

A fast growing tree that is known world wide is Paulownia elongata which comes from the Paulowniaceae family. It has other types of species that shows the same type of properties. All of them are known to be Paulownia. There are several factors that make this plant famous.

The name was taken from the daughter of the Russian czar. It first grew and was discovered in mainland China. In ancient ages, it was very popular and was embraced by the Japanese culture. The value was first known when a Japanese dealer sold its timber and he was shocked by what price was raised to it. This sparked the demand for its wood.

You can not tag this under exotic plants. Its body has way too many uses that its price is somewhat pricey. The leaves that fall from it including the flowers are still used for different properties. This tree is the study of many environmentalists. Its roots became famous because it can develop a good rooting system.

It incorporates a special type of system for its roots that make it viable for prevention in soil erosion. Different countries who suffer from this problem want to plant this tree. It is also used in forests who have experienced fires. Other uses to its body are paper production, furniture and construction materials. The timber is also harvested because it can be created into durable furniture.

The leaves offer a great shade and even used as a fertilizer to the ground from where they fall. The timber can withstand fires and it serves as a great replacement to build a new forest. A good approach to deliver good results in culture has not yet been discovered.

If you need help in planting, you have to make sure that you have high and straight stems. Do this during the first season as you start. In order to care for these plants, you have to treat it like a living thing. It will require your love and attention.

You will need to know the conditions to follow in planting these. Check for the soil from where it will grow. It will need to have a better surface so it can grow out its roots. Keep the body up as it starts growing to make the stem healthy.

Care for its trunk and watch it grow healthy. After months of rearing it, the young sap will grow out to reach its full maturity, Within a year, you can cut off the body and sell its timber. For orders, you can go through websites of established companies who have studied this and researched about it.

There are studies conducted to check for tissue culture and make use of its different benefits. Most scientists separate the sample and install it over an artificial environment that is sterile. The stem cells are taken and put into study which will promote its reproduction. Tissue production and culture will keep the crop production faster. Paulownia elongata will ensure that your money will be in good use. Remember that the value will multiply as the years will pass.

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