Monday, December 8, 2014

By Claudine Hodges

To improve the landscape, you need to put a turf and grass in several parts of your lawn. The appearance of greenery is always something that refreshes the eyes of people who will see. But there is one certain type of green that has the sole job of stealing the nutrients that are intended for the plants that you have grown. These are known as weeds and they have a knack of growing everywhere.

If you want to permanently get rid of them, there are various ways to do so. The most preferred method by some is the usage of chemicals. This is effective. But if you are killing those that are close to the soil or to your other plants, they might get affected as well. For people who want to have a natural method of disposing of these things, the best recommendation would be to burn weeds.

There is a particular equipment that you can use to guarantee that they will not sprout again. Weed torches are often available in gardening stores. Other people would ask why you could not just use simple fire methods. This is something that you can do as well. But the job would be easier if you do it with the right equipment. And there are times when they are too far in the corner, the nozzle of the torch will help you reach it.

Other gardeners prefer chemicals before because of the easy application and convenience that it presents. It is also a cheap option. However, you will be facing hazardous risks. These include possible contamination of the water supply. And there is a chance that your other plants would also get affected as well

Dealing with a large scale weed burning, you have to prepare a few things. One would be to have a permit from the fire department. If you do not have this, there is a chance that you might get fined or sued. So if you have to deal with a huge area, you have to guarantee that you possess a permit.

You may find it peculiar but you can also use water in this process. In fact, using it would make the torching more effective. All you have to do is to pour it around the area where there is growth. According to the professionals, it is for better heat induction.

Regulating the flame is important. The first time you turn the nozzle on, you must do it slowly. Because if you do otherwise, there will be a flame outburst and it might not be easy to contain when it has spread. It would be better to suit the amount of fire with the size of the sprout you have to get rid of.

The best time to burn these things is when it is early spring. This is the time when they would sprout and bloom. Since these are younger sprouts, it would be easier to get rid of them and you would not need too much amount of fuel. It would also be better if you do this early in the morning. When the sun kicks in, it would be too hot and there might be an incident of fire.

If you have pets or you have little kids, it would be best to let them stay inside or do it when they are still not awake. They might get burned or have an accident if they get involved. And since this is something that would only take a few minutes, you do not have to worry about anything.

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