Friday, December 5, 2014

By Claudine Hodges

If you can notice, one dominating color that you will see in golf courses is green. It is because the they are using a platform that makes it easier for people to play the game. Aside from that, you will also observe when you enter a golf club that the landscape is always pristine, not even one grass is out of place.

If you think that this is only something that can be done in golf courses, then you are wrong. This is certainly something that you can do in your home. In fact, you have the choice between the natural grass and the golf green artificial turf. Natural things is always a good choice but for places such as the golf club where there are a lot of people and they have to play on the turf itself, it needs to be artificial.

There are various benefits that you get to enjoy when you go for the artificial one. If you are in a place where the grass could not grow in a natural manner, this is one of the alternatives that you can do. If you want to have a piece of green in your lawn, you can always purchase artificial turf sets.

If you are planning a lot of events and you are doing it on your lawn, it would not be good if you are going to use the natural ones. They could get ruined easily and from then on, you still have to wait on when it will regrow so that the natural beauty can be restored. Since the artificial ones are pliable, they are suited for people who make good use of their yards.

One of the main reasons why a lot of homeowners would prefer this type over the ones that are real is that this is a type where you do not have to worry about maintenance. So if you are too busy to mow your lawn, this will be a good choice. And if you have friends or you know people who are too old to maintain their yard, this can be a good solution to their problem as well.

When there is mud and it sticks to the naturally grown turfs, there is no chance that you can hose down the dirt to get rid of it because you will ruin the plants. Experiencing this when you have artificial ones will be next to impossible. It is even advised that you clean it and sweep it everyday.

Practical people would find this a very good alternative. You can stow away your lawn mower because you do not need to mow it every once in a while. You can also notice that your water bills will slowly decrease because you do not have to water these plants anymore.

The yard can still be used for hard core purposes. For example, your child and your pets can still play around. This way, there is no need to be concerned about the state of the turfs. And if you are worried about the appearance there are artificial ones that look like real grass. That is why you could not about it too much.

Although the artificial type seems to be a good choice. You have to think things thoroughly. There are also cons to using it. And you have to know what these are before you decide that it would be best for your yard. There is always the natural alternative. You can consult with the expert on which would be better for your family needs.

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