Monday, December 8, 2014

By Claudine Hodges

The stumps of trees in your yard should be removed the soonest possible time for good reasons. Aside from being an eyesore, it can also be hazardous to passersby, especially when it is obscured from plain view. It can also take up valuable space that could have been used for a more useful purpose.

After finally deciding to completely remove the stub, your next step is to determine how to do it. You can absolutely remove the stubs by yourself, but you can also hire the services of a professional tree and stump removal Dallas. The latter guarantees a better result much more quickly. Still, you must remember that no two contractors are alike. Most companies in Dallas, TX are legitimate, but there are a few exceptions.

Before you do business with any company, make sure to check its reputation. Do some research in your local community regarding the work ethics and results of your prospective contractor. The internet is also a good place for online reviews. Better yet, check with the Better Business Bureau to validate if company is duly accredited. This is also a perfect place to check if there were any formal complaints lodged against the company.

If you are confident on the company's reputation, ask for price estimates. If the company quotes an unbelievably low price, do not get swayed easily. Depending on the stump's condition, specialized materials and machines may be required. A very cheap price could mean incomplete projects or unsatisfactory results. Also, be wary of contractors who gives cheap estimates initially, but keeps on asking for more as the project continues. In the end, you could be spending more than what you actually should.

Gather as many quotes as you can. Based on the estimates, compare the contractors side by side. If a company offers an extra courtesy service, take this into consideration. Of course, you must not decide based on price alone. You must also consider the expertise, professionalism, knowledge and presentation of the companies you are eying for.

Do not forget to ask for insurance as well. Shady contractors are not insured, but legitimate companies will sure have it. Companies are required liability insurance and worker's compensation. This way, you are free from obligations in the event an accident takes place in your property. The contractor should be liable for the repairs of property damage and coverage of a worker's injury.

It is advisable not to pay the full amount until you are fully satisfied, too. It is a common mistake for homeowners to blindly trust the contractors and pay upfront, only to learn later on that they were duped and the contractor never came back. Although a down payment is required, the full amount should only be paid after the work is completely done.

As much as possible, do not transact with door-to-door contractors. If a company bothers to walk from home to home, it is likely they are running out of clients. That rarely happens to a reliable contractor. Also, removing a stub is not something to be decided in a breeze. This requires careful consideration and proper planning.

Some stumps are more difficult to remove than the others. Therefore, the most appropriate technique to be used varies depending on a given situation. Any skilled contractor understand this, so they deliberately take the time to analyze the slump's condition before suggesting the right methods to use. This is a surefire indicator whether your eyed professional is a real deal or not.

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