Thursday, December 4, 2014

By Claudine Hodges

In creating landscapes within homes, there is need to begin the plans as early as possible. Landscape designs should not come as afterthoughts since they play a big role in decorating the outdoor areas of your home. With help of landscape design Potomac contractors, you can introduce flowers, grass, shrubs, hedges, and trees, which are best suited for the local climate. The planning of landscapes should begin at the time of constructing or renovating a home.

Landscapers will not only look at the beauty aspect but also consider how the vegetation could help in protecting the environment, conserving the resources, and safeguarding your home. Among the aspects, which need to be explored before placing any vegetation, are the topography of land, the local climate, type of soils, the pH levels and the size of your lot. For a small lot, you do not have to plant many trees.

Many things are examined when introducing landscapes in homes such as the soil pH, the natural vegetation, the climate, type of soils, water sources, and the topography of land. If you have a sloping land, you obviously know that you have challenges of dealing with runoffs. When you will be introducing your trees, you can plant them down the slopes so that they reduce runoffs.

In addition, trees will help provide shade for your home thus preventing UV light from heating the interior surfaces. UV light can penetrate the window openings and glass thus heat the floors and furniture. This makes your furniture and floors to fade and look unsightly.

Introducing new pH will cost you a penny because you have to keep on doing that for the entire lifespan of your garden plants. Because you want landscapes that are ecofriendly and sustainable, you need to place plants that only perform when under the existing pH. The nature of topography also dictates how you place your trees.

Before you plant anything on soils, study the soil types, natural environment, the soil structure, and other elements. This will help you introduce only plants and flowers that can flourish under the existing natural conditions. People tend to alter the pH of soils in order to introduce new plants and vegetation. However, this may cost them if they have to keep the altered pH for the rest of time of the vegetation.

The trees should be planted at safe distances from the structures. When trees grow, they extend their root networks, which may cover long distances. A tree planted near a building may look nice when it is young but the moment it grows big, it creates problems. The tree starts dropping leaves on roofs and gutters thus damaging your guttering systems and the roofing structure. In addition, the roots of the trees may impact on the foundation and walls causing extensive cracks.

Pets and kids will play round yards and if you have vegetation that can harm them, then you are risking your family. Trees and shrubs with thorns or poisonous saps need to be eliminated. These are tiny details, which you may not think about on your own when you are introducing vegetation in yards. Landscapers are able to examine every other small detail and see how it can affect the performance of your landscapes.

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