Tuesday, March 11, 2014

By Jaclyn Hurley

Your yard maintenance tips will determine the type of impact that the summer heat will have on the yard. For a person who has developed a good maintenance schedule, there will be nothing to worry about. When it comes to proper lawn care Sherwood AR home owners must come with a schedule that will state how much water should be applied on to the lawn and the level of mowing that must be performed.

During the summer season, you must make sure that you have adjusted the blades on your mower. The blades should be adjusted in such a way that the blades leave the grass taller. Taller grass will shade the soil thereby making sure that water evaporation is reduced.

Watering properly is important in order to maintain healthy grass. It will be important to check with the local water authorities on what the recommended irrigation schedule is. You could also research on how much water is needed by any type of lawn.

Bugs lay their eggs in grubs. The grubs can usually be found during the mid summer period. It will be important to treat yards for grubs so as to guarantee that there will not be a huge influx of bugs over the next seasons.

Dogs are great pests, but they can however be a danger to the lawn if they are not well trained. Train the pets to only urinate in spots that have been designated for them. Urinating in different spots could see grass begin to die.

Parking or driving on the yard is never a good idea. The weight of the vehicle will make the soil to be compacted. Compacted soil can cause a host of other problems if it is not immediately taken care of. When there is too much heat, foot traffic on the grass should also be limited.

Always take time to properly sharpen your blade. Mower blades that are dull in nature will have negative effects on your property. Instead of cutting the grass, they usually tend to flatten it. You may also purchase an extra blade so as to make it possible to interchange them.

If mowing is performed at the correct height, you may let the clippings lie. Grass cycling is a practice that involves letting the clippings lie. It not only saves you time, but it also makes it possible to save on fertilizer.

Warm season grass should be fertilized. The warm season turf will usually grow over the summer season and will require lots of nutrients for it to remain healthy. Be sure to learn of the right fertilizer application schedules. Too much fertilizer may be harmful to the grass.

Appearance of weeds is an indication that it is time to perform some maintenance. Maintenance will involve making sure that weeds are removed as soon as they begin to appear. Application of herbicides may be another great way to control the appearance of weeds on turf. However, the right type of herbicide must be used in order to record some success.

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