Sunday, March 16, 2014

By Luisa Sharpe

When looking for ways of making your home to look impressive or to boost the beauty of its compound, it is good to have beautiful plants around. Many people understand this secret and even seek to buy the right plant species for their home compounds. The crepe myrtle trees for sale are the favorite of most people especially those who live in estates. Homes with these garden plants are ever good looking.

These plants have manageable sizes that would not make your home look bushy and deserted. They produce stunning and beautiful flowers and blossoms of different colors such as white, purple, red and pink. In case you are wondering about the height of these plants, it is good to note that the height of plants is about 5-8 meters. Combination of their green leaves and colored flowers make place classy.

There are two main ways of obtaining this tree: one easy way is by use of cut-lings obtained from the tree itself. This is the easier method. Another way of getting hold of these seedlings is by planting the seeds. However, this method is a slow one, as the seeds of this tree take long to germinate. You may have to wait for years and that is why the cuttings are preferred over the seeds.

Furthermore, if you might find it necessary to plant these seeds in your ranch, you must then ensure you settle for quality seeds. What you need to know is, the seeds of these plants may look similar in color and size as those of other plants. It therefore calls for expert to help you avoid confusion when you are collecting the seeds. Furthermore, this ensures you plant the best quality of these seeds.

Always avoid planting your seeds under shade. This prevents their exposure to sunlight, which is very essential for their germination. Make such that they receive essential sunlight during a day and this will help improve their rate of germination. Exposure of about six to eight hours a day can be very good for the growth of the seeds.

You also need to know the care tips that these plants require. During their early stages of growth, they would require sufficient watering for their roots to develop in the right way. This would be essential for people who plant these plants during the sunny seasons. The plants would wither if you do not give them sufficient water.

You should also know the right fertilizer to apply to boost the growth of their foliage and roots. If you have never planted these plants before, you may ask those who grow them in their homes for help. They would direct you on the best fertilizers you would buy depending on the growth stage of the plants.

Finally, you would need to invite the experts who deal with such plants to examine their growth and any presence of parasites and diseases. You should call in these experts anytime you spot powdery mildew on the leaves since it is a fungal disease. The experts would also help you with the right pruning techniques to facilitate the growth of these plants.

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