Saturday, March 15, 2014

By Luisa Sharpe

With a greenhouse, you are able to obtain guaranteed crops, regardless of the region or the weather. This form of gardening was once a popular choice for commercial producers. This is because they required an environment that offered protection to allow them to grow off-season flowers or crops. They also made use of greenhouses to raise starter plant and shrubs which they would resell.

This plant-growing procedure has reversed over the last few years and the new methods used for construction have given everyone the opportunity to buy a greenhouse. One can now commonly see smaller greenhouses in the gardens of residential properties. Before you rush out to purchase one of these units, you should consider if you really need one.

Many people feel threatened every time they hear reports about sickness brought on by different producers and methods of production. The cost of food has risen so dramatically that many people feel that it may be a cheaper and healthier option for them to grow their own food. The changes in the global climate patterns have brought about unexpected weather changes. This affects food crops and the ability to grow your own crops in your greenhouse is a huge benefit.

There are different types of greenhouses and you should carefully consider what you need. Consider it an investment that requires research before a final decision is made. The different types you can choose from include cold frame, grower or starter greenhouses.

A cold frame unit can be classified as a mini house. You can place it directly on your garden bed. This will allow for direct seed germination and for hardening off of transplants. Cold frames are normally used during early spring in a bid to get seedlings to take root. This eliminates the chance of them perishing due to cold spring rains or frost. You can move these around to follow your planting schedule.

The small to medium sized units are called starter houses and these are perfect for starter plants which will eventually be placed into garden beds. It is also viewed as a hobby greenhouse because you can use it as a shed for your garden supplies. It is a suitable place to pot your transplants and to cure your harvested crops. This type of unit is often available with either a clear or a partly diffused cover which will promote propagation of seeds.

The bigger unit is called a grower greenhouse. The larger ones come with shelving you can adjust and use to grow your crops to term inside the unit. These larger units come with coverings that are diffused or partly diffused. It is an all-purpose unit, suitable for propagation, crop growing indoors and it has sufficient space for the curing of crops which have been harvested and are ready for storage preparation.

Before you make a final purchase of a unit, you should also consider the insulation and the ventilation the unit offers. One of the main reasons for crop failure in a greenhouse is overheating. This makes it important that the unit has suitable airflow near the top and bottom of the structure. There are several other considerations you have to make before buying a greenhouse and you need to do adequate research before you settle on a particular type.

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