Thursday, March 20, 2014

By Johnathan Black

Gardening is generally a relaxing and therapeutic hobby. Getting the right kind of soil and knowing when to start planning are two important parts of gardening. Spend some time relaxing in the sun, tending your garden.

Pass on the gardening love. Once you have a great crop of vegetables, be sure to share some with friends and family. This simple act of kindness can be a huge motivator for you and a big act of generosity to those around you! Plus, you may inspire others to start a garden of their own!

When the vegetable season is over, grow a shoulder season crop if possible. Fruits like strawberries or raspberries bear fruit very early or very late in the season before or after the summer vegetable crops take over and can be planted. Raspberries can be planted to bear fruit in the fall and strawberries can be planted to bear fruit in the spring.

Controlling pests is essential to a high yield garden. There are a variety of products available on the market that will kill any invasive pest in the garden. Many organic pest controls have been perfected over the years that work very well, although they can be more expensive than chemical alternatives. With a quick internet search one can find many safe home remedies for pest control too.

Consider getting a soil analysis report for the dirt in your garden. This procedure is relatively inexpensive and can tell you the type of nutrients you should add to your soil in order to have a more productive garden. A local farm supply or co-op can look through the report and guide you on what to buy.

After reading this article, you should now see how beneficial gardening can be. You also now have the basic knowledge base to began gardening on your own. If you use the advice laid out here and plan accordingly, your garden will bloom gloriously in no time. Employ the advice you've found above and you're sure to heighten your chances for gardening success.

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