Friday, March 21, 2014

By Luisa Sharpe

When you are thinking about installing landscape lighting design Oklahoma City the first considerations you need to look into are whether they are functional and how creative the designer has been. The landscapers who specialize in designing lights for your yard will offer different styles for each yard they work in. The actual fixtures will all be very similar but placement will make all of the difference in appearance.

Placement of fixtures is one of the most important aspects of the designs you will see. Contractors use different means to demonstrate their ideas and how they will look on your property. Some offer to place temporary lights in position for an evening so the client can get an idea of what they can expect. Others will bring full color drawings or blue prints to the home for display. If you choose to make changes or alter the designs this is when it will be acceptable.

Whether you have a flat yard or one with hilly spots makes a difference regarding what type of fixtures will work best for you. Trees work well with fixtures either at the base or high in the branches. Both effects will showcase the trees to their best advantage. Stairs and walkways need lower light fixtures to brighten the way for guests or family.

If you have a pool or waterfall in your yard shadow lights serve to create silhouettes while ground lights will light up the flow of water in the falls. Underwater fixtures in small ponds and waterfalls can offer subdued coloring that really enhances their charm. Placing fixtures high in trees illuminates larger areas and gives the illusion of moonlight to onlookers.

The thought of increased power costs has inspired contractors to find ways to protect the homeowner from this expense. Most use low voltage fixtures and LED bulbs to keep the usage at a minimum. With these options in play the system can be up to seven times as efficient as conventional systems. They are also earth friendly and reduce the carbon footprint of the users.

There are also low energy transformers that can be installed to lower the power intake. When coupled with low voltage fixtures and LED lights the homeowner can anticipate very little increase in the household power costs. Photocells are also available to control costs for the system.

For the person who likes to do their own work there are many options for choosing what you want and where to purchase the items you need. The designs can be accessed in books or you can get ideas from other homes in the area. The fixtures can be found in larger warehouses for wholesale prices or in the smaller shops where you may also find friendly advice for your project.

Wanting your property to reflect the very best image of you and your home is natural. People tend to put part of themselves into their homes and yards and how they look to others. They also want to be able to enjoy the atmosphere created by their personalities and tastes. What better way to do it than to illuminate the house and yard with custom designed lights.

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