Monday, March 10, 2014

By Jaclyn Hurley

Wherever they are installed, pools add a touch of elegance. However, it is possible to ruin this if you do not clean the facility well. When you let dirt and other debris to accumulate in the facility, you will not only have to worry about bad looks but also clogging of the supplies and drainage systems of the facility. For proper pool cleaning Southampton residents have to learn a number of things.

Pool cleaning will require some effort from you but a big chunk of the job can be left to a professional if you want it done properly. The tasks you should handle are those that need to be done frequently. For instance, the removal of surface dirt with a skimmer needs to be done after every few days. This will keep the dirt from sinking to the bottom where it is much harder to deal with.

Cleaning is not just removal of dirt and other forms of debris from the pool. It also means maintaining good quality of the water. You need to super chlorinate the facility regularly for it to remain clean. You also need to add the necessary chemicals to keep the pH levels at around the 7.2 to 7.8 range.

Apart from the cleaning you or the professional can do, it is also important to note that the facility also cleans itself. This is though the filtration system, which keeps dirt from gaining access to the facility through the water supply line. For this you only need to make sure the water filters are in good condition. Whenever they wear out, they should be replaced immediately.

Understand how the facility should be cleaned and the best ways to do it is the only way to get a perfect outcome. Some of the things to look out for include water that looks cloudy and has a green coloration. This indicates the level of sanitizer is low thus leading to faster algae multiplication. You can remedy the situation by adding sanitizer or encouraging growth of bacteria and microorganisms, which will get rid of the algae.

When there is black spotted water in the facility, it could mean a couple of things including having black algae. To deal with this, you should bush and vacuum the facility. The cleanup should be done after shock treatment if you want the best outcome. You can also look for special treatments for algae if you want quicker elimination of the algae.

You might also experience black tinted water, pink slime or brown and cloudy water. The pink slime is a result of fungus and might also appear grayish or whitish. Excessive manganese on the other hand is to blame for the black tinted water, which ends up staining the pool surfaces. You can deal with this using commercial products or ion stabilizers. Brown and cloudy water is very serious since it might have a negative effect on anyone who is exposed to it. For this, you have to check the chlorine, pH and calcium levels.

With the discussed information in mind, it should not be hard to get a good outcome from pool cleaning. You will also be sure that apart from appearing clean, the quality of the water in your facility is good enough. You can therefore continue enjoying your facility to the fullest.

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