Saturday, January 11, 2014

By Marissa Velazquez

Attracting birds to your garden can add colour to your view and make you feel more relaxed. Some people who are keen spotters can also use feed to attract specific types of species to their garden environment. This is why it helps to know which wild bird feeders for sale are most appropriate for your needs.

Generally people assume that most birds fly to warmer climates during the winter months. However this is not always the case. Some stay around and may sometimes struggle to get food from the local environment. Therefore you may wish to get a feeder installed to help them get the food they need.

Ideally you want a couple of different ones. The reason for this is that if you have a single feeder the danger is that all the birds congregate around that central location. This can then mean that some species will miss out because they are not as strong or aggressive as other species.

If you have a specific smaller species that you want to attract then a tube feeder is best. With a tube it is best to use a single type of seed. This will then attract the smaller birds without them having to fight off larger or more aggressive birds in order to access the food inside the tube.

A ground feeder is another option. This is better than simply throwing seed on the ground as the wind is not going to blow it away and offers a bit more protection and shelter. This protection is also good to warn off predators. Cutting a hole can also drain water away from it. However it is advisable to spread feed on the ground in a couple of other locations as well in order to get the broadest range of species.

Some people may wonder why you would want a ground feeder as opposed to simply throwing feed on the ground. This allows additional shelter that you would not get by just putting the feed on the ground. A slight raise also prevents pests accessing the food as well so you do not attract any unwanted visitors to your garden!

You do not necessarily need to be restricted to one type of feeder. You may wish to rotate them in order to get different species at different times. Equally you may want one in one location and a different type some distance away so there is less competition and each type of bird can get their fair share. Whatever ones you choose you need to be sure they are reliable and suitable for the specific type of feed to attract the birds.

There are various ways to purchase wild bird feeders for sale. You can purchase them from high street retailers, online stores or private sellers creating their own crafted products. Wherever you get them from you need to be sure the people you are buying them from are knowledgeable and can help you find the appropriate one for your garden and the birds you are trying to attract. Look online to find out more and to compare the different types available.

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