Wednesday, October 2, 2013

By Roland Stockwell

If you have horses or perhaps raise livestock, you know that keeping stables, pens and water sources clean and fresh is a huge part of keeping animals healthy. Using chemicals to achieve this state of cleanliness, however, is not only unnecessary, it can be unsafe. Fortunately, there are many chemical-free, safe products that you can use.

If you have animals, such as horses or livestock, they probably drink from a stock tank. This water often becomes murky and unclean. To prevent this problem, use the Healthy Ponds special stock tank cleaner. This product lasts up to 30 days, and will keep water as fresh on day one as on day 30.

The product works by using a combination of helpful bacteria cultures. This bacteria eliminates excess waste, including the bits of food that end up in stock tanks. It also eliminates harmful bacteria and toxins. The product has been declared safe for all animals by veterinarians and also will not harm humans. To use it, simply fill the stock tank cleaner dispenser with a bacteria pack and place it in the stock tank. For best results, it is recommended that you first clean the stock tank and fill it with fresh water. Then add the dispenser. At the end of 30 days, just remove the dispenser and put in a fresh pack and place it back into the stock tank.

In addition to stock tanks, your animals might also drink from a pond or perhaps a lake. If this is the case, you can use the AquaSpherePro. Not only will this product keep the water safe for your animals to use as a water source, it also will help keep the pond or lake free from excess scum and organic build-up, keeping the water beautiful, fresh and clean. The AquaSpherePro uses beneficial bacteria, just like the stock tank cleaner, and goes to work as soon as you toss it into the water. Just like the aforementioned cleaner, AquaSphere products have been approved by veterinarians and are safe for pets, livestock, fish and all wildlife, as well as humans.

Before purchasing the AquaSpherePro, determine approximately how many gallons of water your water feature contains. Let's say, for instance, that you have a large 450,000-gallon water feature. Then you would use the AquaSphere that is made to accommodate 500,000 gallons of water. If you have a 20,000-gallon water feature, simply toss in two of the 12,500-gallon spheres. You cannot over treat, so don't worry if you have a bit more sphere than you actually need. After 30 days has elapsed, simply toss in more spheres. This will maintain the quality of the water, as well as its appearance.

If you own hogs or dairy cows, you know that keeping waste units safe and preventing crusting is a high priority. If you already have a great deal of sludge and crusting, consider using Activator Plus. This product, which is safe for all livestock and other animals, is mixed with water and then added to the waste unit. It goes to work to eliminate crusting, as well as reducing the flies, odors and sludge build-up. You can pair this with an AgraSphere, which is a biodegradable pack that you just toss into the unit each month to keep crusting to a minimum, reduce sludge and lessen odors and flies.

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