Saturday, October 5, 2013

By Angel Dudley

Every child should have a tree house, but only few of them do. There is no reason not to have it any time. Adult tree houses may be equally imaginative and exciting to have, especially for people who never had a chance to have such a lovely wooden shelter to call their own. Maybe you are skillful enough to build it, but you can always ask for professional help.

Beautiful adult tree houses can be found just about anywhere. There are even some people that made a business out of it. Just check the Internet and you will be absolutely surprised how imaginative these people were. Some of them started with fulfilling their long held dreams, and realized it was something they would like to do all the time.

If you have a garden that is large enough to build a tree house there, you can do it even if your children are adults as well, or you still don't have children. You can build this romantic and cozy getaway place for yourself, and enjoy spending your free time there. Your future cozy nest can be large or small, made of any kind of material, it all depends only on your desires.

Cozy wooden chalet is ideal to build it in your garden. It doesn't have to have all the commodities of modern life, such as running water, but it is so charming you won't be able to resist it. Small and hidden in the treetops, with narrow wooden stairs that lead to the platform made of planks. Just imagine how nice it would be to have something like this in your beautiful garden.

Your dream house doesn't have to look like a house at all. It can look like a cocoon, or maybe like a castle from a fairy tale. It doesn't even have to be placed on the tree, it can be all around it, or bellow it, partially hidden with the roots, whatever you can think of. It all depends on your own imagination.

Just a small space in your backyard will do. Make sure to build it according to your county regulations. Although it is a simple building, you will probably need to have a permit.

If you need some inspiration, there are beautiful examples online you could use when designing your own house. Plans and blueprints can also be found there. Don't forget about your security. Although you don't want to make too much damage to your plants, you need to make your structure strong and secured. It has to be resistant to wind and rain, and be able to carry additional weight.

Adult tree houses can be used in different ways. You can use your as extra space to accommodate your guests, as a hidden nest for lovers or as inspiring workroom. In any case, this building will be a nice decoration of your garden. Give wings to your imagination and finally make your childhood dreams come true.

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