Monday, October 7, 2013

By Rhea Solomon

When in need for elegant lawn care Pennsylvania is worth considering. The treatments are both time consuming and require patience if good results are to be got. Many tools and equipment are required for one to efficiently carry out this work. The tools have to be well maintained to ensure they are in elegant working condition for easier working. Blunt or damaged tools render the task harder and kill working morale.

A grass parcel is meant for enhancing the appearance of given area. Leaves, twigs, branches, and trash of any kind makes a lawn ugly. Such trash is cleaned from a lawn using a dethatcher or lawn sweeper. Dead grasses and decaying materials, which pile up in a sod is removed using a dethatcher. Motorized sweepers are used for collecting debris from lawn.

Watering is important and is done if one wishes to maintain green sods. Watering should be timely done. The ideal time is early in the morning or evening in order to counteract evaporation. Deep watering may be done once per week. Many individuals do not realize that watering prevents pests like chinch bugs, which attach onto dried grasses.

The amount of water required depends on the type of soil. Sandy soils have the tendency of drying out faster whereas clay soils retain water for longer and may not require frequent watering. Newly planted sods are to get watered every day. One must be keen not to cause runoff because it may wash away the seeds. One may start watering once the grasses have sprouted and about half an inch tall.

Herbicides, pesticides, and insecticides must be used only when there is need. The pesticides must be used while bearing in mind their effects on the surroundings. Some contain lethal poisons in their composition. It is recommended that people should apply organic methods like organic fertilizers companion planting, and biological pest control. The existing laws on their usage should be followed to avoid clashing with the authority.

Practicing sustainable gardening is a sure way of having safe gardens. Sustainable gardening involves application of organic products. Corn gluten meal may be used to hinder root germination of growing weeds. It discharges organic dipeptide into the ground that causes the above mentioned effect. The maggots of chafer beetles may be used to control grubs, which dwell in the ground. There are many alternatives to every pesticide and insecticide. One may coordinate with their local agricultural officers to get details on these methods.

Mowing is a practice that may not be avoided if good lawns are to be established. It should be done regularly using sharp blades. The height should be uniform and mowing should not be done on wet lawns. The direction of mowing must be interchanged at every cutting. Cutting the grasses at low heights has negative effects. It exposes the garden to direct sunlight and encourages easy germination of weeds.

When in search for lawn care Pennsylvania is place to be. It takes quite some time for one to be an expert at this work. To be good at this job one must be having the relevant skills and should have mastered all the practices. Skills are acquired through observation and this entails watching professional grass caretakers at work before trying out the same. This takes some time but one will eventually grasp everything.

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