Friday, November 21, 2014

By Belinda Norbert

Although the food we eat is relatively safe because it is protected in some part by the government, dangerous pesticides still cause a lot of damage. Some people just want to go organic to get away from the potentially dangerous chemicals. Read this article to find out about organic gardening.

Learn the proper way to lay sod. Prior to laying the sod, prepare your soil. Weed the soil well, and till the entire lawn area. Make sure your soil is flat and compacted. Dampen the soil completely. Sod should be placed in rows that are staggered, where the joints connect to offset each other. After the sod has been flattened to an even surface, you can use soil to fill any remaining gaps. Your sod should be watered everyday for at least two weeks, then it will root itself and walk on it.

Your plants will respond better to gradual changes of environment. Try to place them in the new area for a couple of hours at a time the first day. After a week, leave your plants outside for twice as long. Once the transition is complete, your plants will probably be able to tolerate the outdoor conditions.

Save money by drying the seeds from your annuals to plant next year. Petunias, zinnias and impatiens are just a few of the flowers from which it is easy to extract and save seeds. You will have to extract the seed pod from some flowers, and wait for it to split open. With others, such as marigolds, you will have to open the flower and extract the seeds yourself. After extracting the seeds, let them dry for at least a week. Place them in a jar with a rubber seal, and add silica gel pouches to keep them from absorbing moisture. Store them in a cool, dry location until you're ready to plant them next year.

Check your store bought soil for pests. If you buy from big home improvement stores, your soil may have pests such as aphids. To kill the insects and their larvae, put the soil in a metal baking pan and place it covered in a 400 degree oven for 20 to 30 minutes. Let cool before using.

To produce the largest and tastiest fruits and vegetables from vine plants, don't be afraid to pinch off blossoms, as well as the vine, that often trails far and away from the main plant. If you minimize the blossoms on a plant and the distance from the plant to those blossoms, the plant is better able to provide more nutrients to the blossoms that remain which will then result in the biggest and best fruits and vegetables.

Whether are you attempting to go organic because you don't want the chemicals in your life or simply because you want the freshest type of food possible, growing an organic garden is an excellent way to always have fresh produce on hand. Don't neglect to use what you've learned here to grow a great garden!

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