Sunday, November 9, 2014

By Christa Jarvis

Some people can be forgiven for thinking that they only need to take care of their yards during summer. Lawn maintenance in attica in should continue regardless of the season. There are a few tips that you can use to ensure that your lawn look good in spite of winter.

Make a point of shoveling the walkways when it snows, this will prevent people from stepping on the yards. Stepping on the frozen yards leads to breakage and flattening of glass blades. Protect the branches from breakage by brushing off the snow every time there is a snowfall. This is the best time to trim the branches because they are limb; this reduces the amount of damage suffered. Towards the end of winter, purchase seeds and plants in readiness for spring.

At the start of spring your yards will need to be treated. The debris that accumulates on it over winter will have to be cleared. Snow blowing, shoveling and plowing are essential for the winter season but they tend to damage your yard. You can counteract the effects of winter by replacing divots and laying down additional seed. Boost the growth of the seed using fertilizer while the herbicides will take care of the weed. Hydrate the grass regularly so as to keep it healthy.

Since summer is drawing near, take out your yard mower for basic maintenance. In case it malfunctions then you will have plenty of time to repair it or replace it with a new one.

Once summer comes try and water the yard and cut the grass regularly. Make sure that the grass is always more than two inches high each time you mow it. Do not cut the grass too short because it will dry out since the soil and the roots have not been adequately covered from the harsh weather. You can water your yard with a seep hose or a sprinkler. Moving the sprinkler or seep hose every half an hour keeps the yards uniformly watered. To protect the grass blades from being scorched, you should only water the yard in the morning or evening.

When fall comes, reduce the height of the grass so that it is not damaged during winter. Before the onset of winter make sure that your yard is fertilized. The fertilizer is meant to boost your yards nutrients during winter. If there are garden lights in your yards put them away, rake all the leaves and empty your flower vessels in preparation for the coming season.

Since the birds migrate during fall then you can take this opportunity to re-seed the dead areas. During winter the seed will be held in place by the snow and germinate in spring.

If you want to enjoy a full and green yard care should take place in spite of the seasons. With proper practices and effective tools you will be able to actualize this goal. Proper care and maintenance of the machines is also an integral part of the process.

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