Monday, November 3, 2014

By Etta Bowen

Trees are an important part of a park. They make the place cool and provide shades for people to rest under. They have to be taken care of properly for them to continue serving this great role in the park. Since not just anyone can do the job, there are specific people trained for tree service Leawood overland park. Below are some of their duties in tree care and maintenance:

Pruning of trees and plants in general is very important. In the parks, these professionals prune overgrown, hanging or dead branches. Hanging branches can cause accidents when children are playing. Dead branches are taken care of as soon as it is noticed before the bacteria causing it to die spreads and affects the rest of the trees.

Bent trees may be a result of harsh weather like strong winds and heavy rains. When one branch bends, the whole tree may also bend towards the fallen branch direction. This makes the tree look untidy and the only way to rectify this problem is by trimming.

An area full of stumps does not look attractive in any way. Trees removal is another service offers by these professionals. If there are any dead trees caused by tree infections, then its presence is no longer needed. Such trees are uprooted and removed from that area. The necessary authorities might also find certain trees, though healthy, not necessary due to a particular reason. It may be because they want to install something like a swing or a slide in the park. For that reason, removal of the trees is also necessary.

Besides these services, there are also preservation done. These are both for young and the old ones. This is done by breaking the soil around the trees so that water can easily penetrate the ground. Root girdling is also treated which is responsible for the poor absorption of water and other nutrients by the trees. These experts also advice you on the chemicals to add on the trees base so that they can reduce the rate at which they grow reduces increasing the health of the trees.

Since we have looked at tree removal, therefore, there should be tree planting. This will ensure the required tree cover in the area is maintained all the time. Good species of tree are planted and taken care of throughout their lifetime. Fertilizers, nutrients and water are added in the spot for the trees to grow strong, healthy and fast.

Trees health care is also their concern. They spray against pests and diseases whenever there is an attack. At times, they spray to prevent an attack even though it has not taken place yet. It is also aimed at helping the tree bear healthy and beautiful fruit, leaves and flowers.

Trees care and maintenance is not a one-time job. You will need to hire their services on a continuous basis if you want people to enjoy their stay on the park. These professionals have no other work, but to take care of trees needs. They will therefore be at your disposal whenever you need their services.

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