Wednesday, August 13, 2014

By Linda Ruiz

Tree removal is an activity that does more bad than good to the environment, but there are times when it is necessary. There are many factors that need to be considered by the person involved in this activity, before, during, and after bringing the tree down. The first of all the activities is seeking a tree removal permit where trees have different specific definitions under different jurisdictions. To get the best tree removal service Doylestown PA is the right place to consider.

Although it is mandatory o obtain a permit before trees are felled, there are certain circumstances under which it is not necessary. One of the circumstances is when trees are being eliminated in an agricultural area to give room for planting crops. If the plant presents more problems than good such as dirtying a place, harboring diseases, or making a place ugly, then it may also be necessary to eliminate it.

There are other reasons why this activity is done including elimination plants considered a threat to human safety or property. Natural calamities such as diseases, floods, and insect invasions may deteriorate the worth of trees making them useless for any commercial activity. Such trees also need to be eradicated. Sometimes trees may be planted with the main purpose of being sold or used for public work. Therefore when they attain the required age, they are eliminated.

Specific tools and equipment are needed in the elimination process. Some of the major tools used are chainsaws, trucks, test ropes, sunglasses, and leg protection. The method applied in the process dictates the kind of tools and machines to be used. Most of cutting activities are done by chainsaws. The current market has different models of saws with different power capabilities and fuel consumption options.

Leg protection is necessary for protecting the person doing the cutting. It is a common behavior of the chainsaw to kick out of the item being cut and hit the operator on the leg. For this reason, there is need for protection against kicking. The protection can be in form of heavy leg protectors or knee-high safety boots. Safety sunglasses provide protection to the eyes against flying debris from the cutting equipment. Test ropes are used as safety backups in cases of unexpected events.

Removal techniques are placed into chemical and mechanical groups. Mechanical methods include girdling and felling. Felling cannot be used on trees located in one location because it can cause a lot of destruction. That is why other methods are used on small scale felling activities. Small scale felling heavily employs trucks and fellers.

Single removals require the activity to be carried out in steps, starting with the elimination of branches, then the trunk and finally the stump. The branches are chopped from the top downwards. After the branches, the trunk is cut into equal sizes from the top downwards while the plant is still standing. Sometimes the pieces do not have to reach down. They are carried using ropes and a feller once they are cut without hitting the ground.

The process is considered unfinished if the stumps are not removed. Normally a grinder is used to grind the wood into chips for use in other purposes. The entire felling process takes a short period if the personnel is qualified and has the right equipment.

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