Tuesday, August 26, 2014

By Belinda Norbert

Organic gardening is a subject that a lot of people feel is a hard thing to get started in. The thing about gardening, though, is that it's about how much you know that gets you started and then helps you to become successful with this type of gardening. Look at this article and take what you can from it and then, apply it towards your gardening endeavors.


Use mulch in your organic garden. Mulching helps retain moisture, and helps provide nutrients to your growing plants. You should try to use at least a three inch layer of mulch in all of your beds. It will also make your garden beds look as if they were professionally finished.

When planning a landscaping project for your house, you might want to consider talking to a professional first. While you most likely will not need to bring in a designer to oversee the entire project, getting some professional advice may just save you from making expensive mistakes in the future.

Attract worms to your garden. Earthworms are great allies to have in your gardening efforts. Good organic practices such as mulching, composting, and using natural fertilizers will attract them. Having plenty of earthworms in your garden plots will keep the soil aerated, and provide additional natural fertilizer to your plants.

It's all about the mulch. try mulching all of your flower beds and trees with at least 3" of the organic material. It will conserve water, add some humus and other nutrients, and it will also discourage weed growth. It will also give the beds a nicer, more finished appearance.

Spread your mulch out. Mulching is great for your garden. Cover as much of your garden as possible with it. Just be aware that if you let mulch pile up against trees or structures, it can cause them to rot. No one likes rotting trees and sheds, so make sure your mulch is spread.

Mulch should be your best friend when it comes to caring for your organic garden. Try to think of mulching as a way of maintaining the "floor" of your garden. To do this correctly every year, make sure to add one to three inches of compost or mulch when planting your beds.

After you have read the suggestions here, you will have a better idea of what you need in order to be an organic gardener. You can find out a ton of information on the subject, you you really need to be aware of how to use it. If you keep this information in mind, you should be able to grow a great organic garden in no time.

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