Wednesday, August 20, 2014

By Deanne Shepard

It's a wild animal's instinct to find a safe shelter in which to live and raise its young, unfortunately it may happen that the most appealing spot for raccoons, possums, skunks, and other such creatures may be in the nooks and crannies of someone's home. If this happens, it's important to contact a professional who can safely and humanely remove the unwanted guest. When looking to hire a company for wildlife removal Waynesville NC homeowners should keep these points in mind.

There are some services who do nothing more than than trap the animal, and charge per creature removed. This is not a long-term solution however, since it does not repair any spots on the home where animals can enter. The best company to hire is one which does not hurt or kill the animals but takes them to where they can be rehabilitated, and also addresses the structural faults that allowed them to get in.

If a homeowner is in need of an animal removal company and is not familiar with a reliable one, he or she can start by asking friends and neighbors if they know of any which they would recommend. Checking with either a local wildlife rehabilitation organization or the National Wildlife Rehabilitators Association are also trusted sources.

There are several key questions the customer must ask any company they are considering hiring. First, it's important to inquire about the methods they use to capture the animals, how they are handled after capture, and what is done to the home to prevent re-entry. Nobody wants to have this problem recur, justifying another service call and added expense, it must be done right the first time.

A company which prides itself in protecting the well-being of the animals and their young will only use removal techniques that will leave the creatures unharmed, and furthermore they will not simply release them into the wild, but take first take them to a suitable rehabilitation center. A thorough inspection should be done to make sure all babies have been located too, so they are not left to starve or be eaten by predators.

Products used in the animal removal process should not be a danger to household pets or non-troublesome wild animals. If poisons are ingested by the animal being targeted, it can also become a hazard to any other creature in the food chain which eats the pest in question. Traps baited with human food are also likely to the wrong creatures. These professionals should know how to avoid these problems and successfully capture the nuisance creature alone and not hurt it in any way.

The main objective should be to get the creatures out and keep them out. They will assess the customer's home and repair any and all potential points of entry, this will normally include sanitation, or removal of animal wastes, and replacement of any building materials such as wood or insulation that is needed.

Lastly, the homeowner needs to verify the company's professional credentials, this includes insurance, certification, and membership in any reputable organizations in this field. The business should have no problem providing proof of these when asked. Inquiring about how many years they have been in operation, employee screening procedures, and if they come recommended by any wildlife rehabilitation specialist, is helpful as well.

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