Monday, August 11, 2014

By Tanisha Berg

Many golfers today are experiencing the value of having a private green where they can practice in their own time and perfect their chipping and putting. Artificial putting greens have become very popular and many companies are now selling and installing them. A green like this not only offers many years of use but can actually add to the value of a property if it is installed correctly.

There are many different types available from those that are self assembled to those that require expert installation. The do-it-yourself ones can be installed virtually anywhere there is a flat surface. For example, they can be assembled indoors at home or at work and used despite the weather conditions outside.

A company with experience and a good track record will be able to give the right advice to clients according to their specific needs. These companies usually have websites where one can view what they offer as well as previous projects they have completed. Many of them collaborate with expert golfers in the development of their products to offer the best possible golfing practice.

The types of turf used have improved a great deal over the years. Their appearance is much better and they look and feel much more like real grass. Most importantly, they are engineered to perform like real grass in order to provide an experience that mirrors playing on a real golf course. The type chosen will depend on various factors such as speed of the ball roll.

Various factors such as avoiding existing pipes for irrigation or electrical cables have to be taken into consideration when choosing a site. The installers have to see a particular site before offering a quote as all these factors, including adequate drainage and access to site can affect the price. A diagram is made of the site, including all the necessary specifications and the needs of the customer.

Once the client has accepted the quotation, site preparation can proceed. Various different materials are used for the base from rubber or sand infill to gravel stone. A firm foundation in the right shape has to be carefully prepared before the turf is laid. There are various options for customization such as the contouring of the surface, lighting and type of cups used.

The type of turf used can be selected to fit in with existing grass. However, unlike grass, it does not need to be watered, fertilized or mowed and it stays green all year round. This makes maintenance simple, consisting mainly of removing debris like leaves which can be done with a blower. Some bases like rubber or sand infill may require maintenance every few years.

Backyard putting greens are great for all ages. Children can hit shots and play games. Adults can get serious about improving their golf game with a great practice area right outside their back door. They can be designed to fit almost any area and to satisfy the specifications of different clients. Choosing a reputable company with good references gives the assurance of getting the best value for money.

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