Saturday, July 26, 2014

By Imelda Reid

Landscaping features require timely and proper planning before they are created. The moment you start constructing or renovating your home, you should contact a landscape designer in Westchester NY to plan the landscapes. Many at times, homeowners only consult the engineers and architects during the construction of building and it is only later after they have completed the building structures that they think of landscapers.

It is not a task that should be done haphazardly otherwise, it may cost you a lot more in future. Landscape features entail both the hardscapes and softscapes. When planning for softscapes, you need to ensure you contact contractors with the knowledge of plants. There are many landscaping designs you can find on the internet, magazines, and from landscapers.

Any changes in buildings, which need to be made to align with the landscapes, can be done pretty well when you consult the landscapers during the initial stages of putting up a home. Just because you have seen beautiful plants from other areas, it does not mean you can put them in your yards. You should study the soils and establish if they will be able to support the plants.

The lawns, gardens, and yards should have the right vegetation. Trees need to be planted within the right locations. Planting trees very close to buildings can bring problems especially when they grow tall. Some trees have very long roots that can extend three times the length of their trunk.

Pets may also be put at stake by presence of thorny plants. Eliminating these kinds of plants will be a good idea. The designs you find in other places may not necessarily work for your landscapes. Every home is designed different, and some of the appeasing designs might not work for you. However, the good thing is that you can come up with your own style and design that are unique.

Soil erosion can be prevented by planting trees within sloping locations. Instead of having trees planted up the slopes, they may be placed down the slopes to help prevent excessive runoffs. The moisture content in soils can be retained by planting trees.

Some plants especially those with high watering needs may be placed under tall trees. The shades of trees help retain moisture by preventing excessive evaporation of water. With shrubs and flowers that require a lot of water to survive, you may need to place them under those tall trees. This way, you cut down on the cost and effort of watering.

he shades of trees will help prevent the direct heat from sun in reaching and baking the surfaces. Window curtails, blinds, and other covers may also suffer from intense heat. Shades from tall trees will prevent sunrays from heating your window treatment products. The soil structure is an important factor you ought to examine properly before you plant flowers and shrubs. The soil pH can determine which plants do well in that area. The natural vegetation can guide you on which flowers or plants to put in your yard, gardens, and lawns.

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