Friday, July 11, 2014

By Coleen Torres

Every once in a while, people need to break free from the same old activities that they make over and over in the course of daily living. Unchanging routine can crush the soul and break the spirit. It also makes one less motivated to carry on with life. It is as they say, all work and no play makes one a dull boy or girl.

To break off from the monotonous course of events, people think of doing new things during their free time. Some try out their hand at new sports. Some find fun by having a new hobby. Some get out of town and breathe in fresh air over the weekend. Some just practice their golf skills over artificial putting greens.

Golf is one sport that is often enjoyed by people in higher positions. Sometimes, a healthy round of the said game is employed as a strategy to get a prospect investor to sign a business deal. This game requires precision from every player as he tries to shoot the ball in a marked hole by hitting it with a club.

Typically, it is played in a special field known as a golf course. This stretch of grass covered lawn has its share of holes that are strategically placed from each other. It is set of by markers on the boundaries of the tee area, the rough, the fairway, and the putting green.

The putting green is the part of the entire course that is closest to every single hole. Most often it is marked by a little flag. Getting the ball past this area is quite difficult and would require practice. This is why people often have their own small patches of putting green at home where they can practice and hone their skills.

Natural greens take quite a lot of effort. First off, you still have to prepare the ground wherein the plant is to be grown. You have to spread the seeds evenly and make sure they get enough water and sunlight. They even need to be fertilized, too.

With an artificial turf, you can do away with any of these. You can just buy premade ones from the market, lay them on the ground, and practice your putting skills right away. You do not have to wait for longer periods of time until they are ready for use. What is more, you can even bring them anywhere.

Synthetic grass is always tougher than natural ones. They are built to last, and they really do. They are up for anything, and will not crumble under the constant tear incurred by daily play. The natural ones need a break every now and then, or else you will have to regrow them again.

The artificial stuff is more consistent, too. It does not sag or diminish in performance as the months roll by. They are even known to maintain their good form all year round, even if you play on them right after they are installed.

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