Wednesday, July 30, 2014

By Annabelle Holman

A garden makes any home, however simple looking, look like it belongs to a page in a fairytale book. It is usually a planned space that the home owner has set aside for reasons of display, cultivation, and the overall appreciation of nature and all its elements. It can incorporate both man made and natural materials, all combine together to give out an aesthetically pleasing effect.

Aside from the beauty that it brings to any type of residence, there are still many reasons that often push people to start their own, be it in a very small patch of earth in the front yard or be it a little DIY project on the windowsill. Most residences have a little patch of green that they tend on their own, but for best results, it would be very beneficial to hire a garden designer in Rye NY.

Some tend to a veggie patch for economical reasons. Most produce available in the market today are full of chemicals, and buying them at an organic shop entails a lot of money, where everything is priced higher than a regular supermarket. Hence, growing your own supply is the best option, as it also allows you to have some form of exercise.

A garden also helps with the fulfillment of emotional needs and spiritual connections. It serves as a good place to think and meditate right at the safe confines of your own yard. Looking at the beauty of blooming flowers can always uplift the spirits and chase away the blues. It also gives you a new perspective in life as you bear witness to the hand of nature working in your garden.

Anyone can start a garden, but it takes an expert to make a majestic one. They are always so full of original concepts. Working with a certified landscape designer will assure you of a beautiful yard that is unlike any other. An expert can even think of ways to utilize every available space, making you wonder why you have never thought of it before.

Landscape designers have even gone to formal art schools just to be adept at creating stunning landscape designs. They are experts at utilizing both natural and synthetic elements to be able to come up with a yard that suits your picky palate. Aside from a knack of knowing which plant varieties to use, they also work out the technical stuff in maintaining a garden such as the lighting fixtures and the drainage system.

They conduct thorough site analysis to come up with only the best for you, even with numerous garden elements that needs to be considered. He knows which plants will best thrive in a particular area to make the most out of your space. He has the ability to see the macrocosm and the microcosm details that make up the entire space.

A designer has worked out so many design ideas that coming up with budgets and estimates are no big deal for them. Most homeowners feel overwhelmed with budgeting for the project alone, as they do not really have a concrete design plan in mind. The designer can take away this dilemma, as he knows the best plants to be used and the most economical shops that sell them.

Hiring a pro does not mean that you lose your personal touch in your own yard. Talented designers only pitch useful ideas in, but the overall look is still based on the picture that you have in mind. Having it does not only make the property more beautiful, but more valuable as well.

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