Saturday, April 19, 2014

By Essie Osborn

There are many places in which a surface is used that is designed to look exactly like real grass. Artificial turf, which might also be known as synthetic turf, refers to this product that is made using synthetic fibers. Most of the time this is installed in sports arenas in which the field requires grass. It is also commonly seen on residential or commercial properties because it requires low maintenance.

Turf comes in many types. The differences exist in color, size of grass, maintenance that is required and installation technique. Most turf is made to look and function like a specific type of natural grass.

Turf is used commonly because of its level of resistance against heavy use, such as foot traffic. It does not require trimming or an irrigation system, which is expected of real grass. Stadiums with dome roofs or other similar coverings might use this because there is not enough sunlight coming into the facility to allow real grass to fully grow over the field. This product became popular around the second half of the twentieth century when it was used as part of the design plan for the Astrodome.

This is considered ideal for many other situations too. Often turf is added to the yard of vacation homes because the owners are not there enough to properly maintain a lawn, but still want it to look nice. Furthermore, it might be ideal for homeowners who are elderly or immobile and have difficulty maintaining the landscape of their yards. The product is typically placed on rooftop gardens and even around pools.

Although there are many perks to using this product, there are also some potential downsides to be aware of. This surface is known for being durable, but it still has a certain life span and might need to be replaced at some point. It does not require very much maintenance, such as trimming and watering, but it needs to be cleaned. Some versions will need infills, such as granulated rubber or silicone sand. These kinds of materials may leech into the water tables.

Disinfection is also important and should be carried out on a regular basis to prevent active pathogens. When there is friction between this surface and skin, serious burns and abrasions can occur. Furthermore, the turf is known for attracting more heat than natural grass would from direct exposure to the natural sunlight.

Property owners might install the product or hire professional companies to do the work. Either way, the product is often installed in rows or squares over an area that has already been prepped and flattened out. Usually weed barriers are put down to keep the weeds from growing under or on the side of the installed surface. Product is then secured to the ground with landscaping nails, which are placed every few feet. The price and quality of such materials and installation will vary depending on numerous factors.

Usually this is seen in settings for sports, especially: field hockey, tennis, American football and baseball. It is sometimes installed in certain areas at the airport. Furthermore, landscapers tend to use this because of its inexpensive price tag and low-maintenance requirements.

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