Saturday, April 26, 2014

By Johnathan Black

Do you want your children or pets to be able to enjoy the outdoors in the safety of your own property? Do you want a great party environment for friends and family? This article will guide you through many tips that will help you to landscape your home to fit your needs, whatever they may be.

Gather landscaping ideas from home and garden magazines. These magazines often showcase the most beautiful homes and the most beautiful gardens. Though you might not be able to completely copy the look that you find in the magazine, you can gain inspiration which will help you to end up with a finished product that you are proud of.

Make sure you plan thoroughly before you begin landscaping. It is a great idea to sketch out your landscaping design when it's still a plan, so you can get a good mental idea of what it is going to look like. Make notes of the plants, flowers, shrubs, etc. that you plan on using to improve your landscape.

Create a multi-seasonal garden to get a lot from your landscaping efforts. Choose different kinds of plants for different seasons, which are appropriate depending on the soil and region. Other possibilities are trees with seasonal blooms and evergreens which could keep your area green year round.

If you are planning to put your home on the market, landscaping is worth considering. Landscaping is a wise investment that offers as much as a 200 percent return. Enhance curb appeal by sprucing up the front lawn, or create a great living space to hang out in your backyard.

If you live in a part of the country that is at risk for wildfires, choose landscaping projects accordingly. For example, trees should be planted at least 100 feet apart. Additionally, large trees should not be planted less than 100 feet from your house or other building structure (garden, shed, workshop, etc.).

To save money, you can buy items such as mulch or containers from a home-improvement warehouse. The quality of these items will not make much of a difference. However, you should go to a nursery to buy your plants and your other products such as pesticides instead of settling for low-quality products.

Now that you've read this article, you should know enough to get started with landscaping. You haven't learned everything there is to learn and you should always keep learning. However, this article has given you some basics, so that you can go out and experiment with your own yard.

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