Thursday, November 12, 2015

By Mattie Knight

Black bamboo is a species of flowering plants that falls under the bamboo subfamily. Its scientific name is phyllostachys nigra, while the grass family is poaceae. This plant originated in mainland China in a province called Hunan. Today, it is cultivated almost everywhere with great levels of success. As such phyllostachys nigra black bamboo for sale can be bought from a store in any part of the world.

The plant grows upright and can reach a height of between three to seven meters. A full grown plant forms slender, loose clumps of arching canes. The leaves are usually thin and long, measuring up to 13 centimeters in length. The canes turn in color to a black coloration after two or three seasons. It is very rare to find one that has flowers and seeds, which has made information on them quite limited.

The survival ability of the plant is great under different conditions. They grow naturally in a number of habitats including waste areas, gardens, disturbed sires, river and lake banks, bushlands, and roadsides. Rhizomes that grow underground are the main means of reproduction. Rhizomes produce suckers that grow to form new plants. Steps should be taken to regulate the growth of suckers, otherwise an invasion is possible.

Phyllostachys nigra has many other species that have a lot of characteristics in common with it. All of them are usually raised in backyards as garden plant in most nations. Their green leaves make them appear beautiful and they liven the environment. Their eco-friendliness is also a factor most people consider when choosing them. They need minimal care because they are low-maintenance.

Black bamboo is more resistant to many factors than other garden plants in addition to being low-maintenance. The impact of drought and frost seem to be minimal. They can be kept outside when it is freezing and during dry seasons, they need watering only a few times in a week. Such benefits seem to be perfect for people who wan to get into gardening but lack time or those who have never done it before One does not need to worry about providing a lot of attention they cannot afford.

The uses of black bamboo are many and they may vary from one location to another. In some places, they serve as food and a source of timber. People from Asian countries use it for making various kinds of furniture as well as musical instruments. Today, many products made from this plant are exported from Asia to other countries.

When grown next to the fence, they can provide security and privacy. People use them as fences and wind breakers too. The strong erect canes prevent strong winds from causing damage to personal property by reducing its speed. This feature can be very useful in places that experience high wind speeds.

Many people and businesses are involved in the commercial production and sale of these plants. That makes it easy for anyone interested to make an order and have it delivered within hours or days. The price varies depending on the location one is located. Sellers will usually offer guidance on how to take care of the plant once it is planted.

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