Wednesday, November 4, 2015

By Mattie Knight

When we speak on vegetables, we already know the harvesting season exists. But as this season is going to end soon, we definitely know the number of such vegetables will also low down. There are people who greatly use these vegetables and are always in need of a good number so that they can continue their specific business processes.

A very common vegetable most of us use in our kitchen is the one and only garlic. There are some that we may use in all the meals we have to cook. But when their season soon ends, it will be good for you to start storing slowly so you still have something to use when the next harvesting comes. Because of these, below are tips on how to store garlic and how to keep it fresh.

You have to keep in mind that by selecting garlic you have to notice things in or on its bulbs. Avoid the ones that are damaged, soft, and or still sprouting. The ones you truly need are those undamaged ones so you could still use them like as good as new after quite some time of storing.

Place all your garlics inside your unused mesh bags or to your unused loose woven baskets. These are the ones which you will see in the markets. Both of it can effectively help those garlics to breathe properly and keep looking good. Others have these very flexible tops which you may braid together and then hang somewhere in your beloved kitchen.

You can even store them inside your refrigerator. Put it away inside the crisp drawer so that it could stay away from any problems caused by too much humidity. But be mindful that once you take it off the fridge, it will start to sprout a couple of days later under room temperature. Thus, storing this way requires you to use them when you are ready to use it.

Even the freezer is a good place for your garlic. Most of us would think frozen garlics are not that great compared to the fresh ones. But you can always do a simple preparation in keeping its freshness until the day you use it. Mince the cloves with a blender then freeze those minces inside an ice cube tray or over silicone sheets. After freezing it, move it to any of your airtight container.

Making dehydrated garlic is even possible. Do not worry, the process is very simple and not complicated. Slice it in a thin manner, and then put it inside a food dehydrator. Not having dehydrator is not a problem, you can always use your oven with an ajar door to dehydrate until crisp. After, move all of them to your airtight container and place it somewhere in your kitchen under room temperature. Its freshness will not fade for how many months.

You can also roast it. Most of the users of such vegetable are happier in this kind of process. This is mainly because all of them can just freeze it after roasting. It will be good for the longest time you could possibly think of. People usually like this because they got to roast garlics when they use it.

There are a lot more good ways on how to keep this type of vegetable good as fresh in long term phase. The things that listed above are just the commonly used ones by the users around the world. So follow these things in order for you to enjoy your garlics for a long time.

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