Friday, August 28, 2015

By Daphne Bowen

Portland OR has a reputation for being an extremely green city. Not only because there are more parks or green spaces per person than any other city in the United States, but because it practices as many green technologies as it can. It is named The Rose City, after all, so nature is on every residents mind. Recycling is a major cause and is reinforced by the frequency of pickups, which is more than the trash pickups. The container gardening Portland OR residents love to participate in fits this city like a glove.

Using a container to plant things in becomes necessary when you do not have the room for a more conventional garden. That was why it began many years ago and it is still used for this reason. One of the other great reasons is because of the space that is not available in most apartment buildings or complexes. Portland has quite a few of these communities.

Getting the best garden going, in Portland OR, takes a trip to a home improvement store. In order to plant something into something, you must have the containers to do it. This is accomplished by rounding up everything that can hold the dirt and potting soil necessary to provide the moisture and nutrients to the plants. Acquiring a few old wine barrels can make this possible.

Wine barrels are often used for this gardening and can be purchased from some of the outlet stores and from some of the specialty stores. These barrels can be cut in half, providing two containers and can be bought from the wineries in town. The wineries, very often praised for their uniqueness in wine circles, are located in the close in northeast part of town, next to the river.

For small herbs and some spices, you can use large plastic buckets. This is especially appropriate if you are not concerned about the looks. By using commercially available terracotta and other types of decorative pots, surrounding a larger pot or wine barrel half, you can decorate with these eatable plants.

Growing things this way opens a lot of options. These options involve not only the various ingredients for great food, but also great conversation starters. Pots and barrels on a porch, balcony or patio are a few of them, as well and a window box is another one. You would be surprised at what you can plant that can grow right outside of the window in the kitchen, ready for you to reach out and grab a handful.

Green living, as well as green eating, takes work. The work is fun and it contributes to the environment. It can also help you decorate and have all of the salad makings you need right at your fingertips. This is all part of the great city that brought the Portlandia statue onto the cultural scene.

These gardens are appreciated because of the organic nature of them. You will find, whether you live here, or not, that Portland has much diversity. The only thing that does not fall into this category is the way they all get together for shared gardens, shared values of sustainability and shared potting soil.

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