Saturday, August 22, 2015

By Shawn Hunter

The idea to freeze fruit is very practical and economical. This is a way to have the edibles all through the year without them going bad. When these products are packaged the right way, they can be stored in the freezer for several months. With regards to freezing peaches, there is a particular way that is simple and offers great results. You only require a few supplies including a pot of boiling water, a bowl of cold water, a knife, and a few other things. Depending on the number of peaches you have, it might only take a half an hour or so.

Freezing fruits and vegetables is a great way to have these products throughout the year. You can keep these items stored for several months. If they are packaged correctly, they will stay fresh for this period of time. Such items can then be used for cooking, baking, or other such things. You can even thaw them and eat these things just as they are.

With regards to the freezing of peaches, there are a few particular steps that should be completed. Taking the skin off the fruit is one stage but it is simple when done in the following manner. In fact, the whole process is generally quite simple.

Only a few materials are needed. It is usually a good idea to get these supplies before starting. You can put the items in order as well. You'll need a pot of boiling or very hot water and a bowl of ice water next to each other. These things are followed by a cutting board and a knife. You can then put a bowl of ascorbic acid or diluted lemon juice after that and a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper.

The first stage is placing your peaches in the boiling water for half a minute before taking them out with spoon that has slots in it. As soon as you do this, put the fruit into the ice water. You can then put these items on a cutting board.

Take the knife and cut the peach all the way around from top to bottom. You can choose to strip the skin off before you pry the halves apart or after. Whatever the case, the skin should have already started to peel because of being in the hot and cold water.

After removing the skin and prying the halves apart on each peach, you can start to slice them. Cut the pieces in the size that you want and place them into the bowl of ascorbic acid or diluted lemon juice. Once this is done, you may put them onto the lined cookie sheet. Place these items in the freezer until the pieces are completely frozen. Remove them and put the slices into freezer bags for proper storage. Be sure to mark the date on each bag.

Being able to freeze fruits and vegetables makes it easier to access these products at any time of the year. It also allows you to retrieve the ingredients you need for recipes at any point that you need them. Preparing peaches for freezing is quite simple and you only need a few materials for the process, including boiling water and ice water as well as a knife, diluted lemon juice and a couple of other things.

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