Sunday, May 17, 2015

By Tammie Caldwell

An arborist is a professional whose specialty is in the cultivation, study, and management of individual trees as opposed to forests. They work within the field of arboriculture and are sometimes called arboriculturists although to a lesser extent. Besides trees, they also work on vines and shrubs. This profession is closely related to forestry and silviculture, but there are a few differences. For the best arborists Fairfax VA is the best place to check out.

The society needs these professionals for many different reasons. The training arborists have equip them with knowledge on how to plant, care for, and maintain individual trees. They also know what kind of tools and equipment to use in different situations. Trees are not something to be taken for granted in any way since they can be a source of both good and bad effects.

Taking good care of trees makes them offer great aesthetic value. They can cause a lot of improvement in property value. In the same way, failure to offer necessary care renders trees dangerous and harmful. Additionally, only experts should be allowed to perform this job because of the dangers involved. The work of an arboriculturist involves keeping trees healthy and well-structured for purposes of safety and aesthetic value. They are also responsible for keeping trees from reaching wires, buildings, and fences.

An arborist can become qualified and certified by following several different routes. Because of the differences in routes towards certification, level of qualification also varies. Generally, to become qualified, one must pass a comprehensive test administered by the national regulatory body. After qualification and certification, additional training is necessary for keeping workers informed of new developments in the field.

The worldwide organization that regulates the field of arboriculture is called the International Society of Arboriculture. Every country also has its own body that coordinates arboricultural activities within its borders. The title Qualified Arborist has to be attained first before further training is undertaken to gain the title of Certified Arborist. Certification cannot however be used to gauge the quality of work a professional can do because the title only attests to the knowledge the professional has in tree care.

Like other fields, arboriculture also has sub-specialties in which one can specialize. Some of the major sub-specialties include cabling and lightning protection, climbing and pruning, consultation, report writing, diagnosis and treatment, and research. Some professionals specialize in one or two sub-specialties, while others specialize in all. Although some claim to specialize in all sub-specialties, it is hard to fully master all the skills, knowledge, and practices in all fields.

Those who offer consultation services stay in the office and receive clients without going to the field often. They mostly deal with writing reports and giving testimonies for use in courts of law among other tasks. Those who specialize in field work do most of the manual work involved in the provision of care to trees.

The kind of tools and pieces of equipment used by these professionals are very diverse. Each task has many different tools used to accomplish it. The tools range from simple mechanical devices like climbing hooks, harnesses, and ropes to sophisticated machines like cranes and lifts.

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