Monday, May 18, 2015

By Tammie Caldwell

Your yard is a very important part of your property. The yard should always be viewed as a collection of plants, this will make it easier for you to maintain it properly. Given the fact that a yard is part of your curb appeal, you should always make sure that it is in good condition. Hence the need to learn about the various landscaping and lawn services Southlake TX that are available.

For plants to grow, they have to be supplied with regular nutrients. When the nutrients are not present, you will find that the resulting plants will usually tend to be very weak. They will also begin to lose their natural color.

Be sure to first have your soil tested in a lab. Soil testing allows you to establish the nutrients that are missing. These are the nutrients that will then require replenishing. Having been tested, you will now know which kind of fertilizer should be purchased.

Another alternative to using fertilizer is the application of compost manure. Compost serves the same function as the fertilizers. With compost, one should however take care to make certain that he does not apply too much compost, as this may end up harming his plants.

In a fertile yard, you will find that weeds will be competing for nutrients with your plants. The weeds must therefore be eliminated for you to guarantee the survival of the available plants. It is very important for you to choose your herbicides very carefully.

You need to ensure that you keep the grass at a certain level. Do not allow it to grow too tall as this may have some negative repercussions. However, you will also need to make certain that it has not been cut too short. It is advised to mow grass at least twice every month.

Plants require water for them to grow. During certain months, the property owner has to irrigate the grass. When it comes to irrigation, you have to come up with a schedule that is to be followed in watering this grass. Ensure you do not apply too much water, and at the same time, you should not apply too little water.

In addition, ensure that the soil is not compacted. Soil that has become compacted makes it very hard for plants to grow. The roots will not receive enough oxygen and as such, these plants will end up dying. It will therefore be vital to ensure that the soil in the garden is loosened up.

Insects can also pose a problem to a home owner. There are different kinds of insects that can be found in a yard. Some are harmful, while others are not. Before purchasing chemicals to deal with these insects, you should first establish the kind of effect that the chemicals may have on your garden.

Learning to maintain your home turf is a very good thing. You will be in a position to maintain the health of your plants. For individuals who may not have enough time to perform maintenance related tasks, the best solution will be to outsource this service. Hire another firm to manage the grass for you.

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