Wednesday, April 22, 2015

By Alta Alexander

A functional and beautiful landscape requires a great deal of planning. The cornerstone to having a sustainable landscape is having a plan for the project. A landscaping Florida Keys contractor can assist you in devising a plan and creating landscapes that will save you money and protect your home.

Many people make the mistake of introducing landscapes without proper planning. It can cost you psychologically and financially if you do not take into account some of the critical points in landscaping. Landscape design is not just about transforming the beauty of premises. While everyone yearns for a beautiful landscape, there many other roles the landscape features can play.

For instance, the variety of plants that tend to take up a lot of water may be planted under shades of trees. Shading provided by the tall trees will prevent excess evaporation of moisture meaning that more water is retained in soils for an extended period. This will scale down the frequency of watering plants thus saving you money.

Homeowners may come across landscape ideas somewhere else and they want to introduce them to their homes. While it may work out well, at times, the designs cannot fit perfectly to every home. It might need some tailoring in order to align it with the needs of a home. Landscapers understand that homes are created different.

The area where your home is located may have issues with pests. You can use the landscaping ideas to help in controlling the pests. Some plants can help prevent pests while others will be damaged easily by things like termites. The soils within your yard can be amended so that you introduce new plants.

If you have trees that surround the building, they can capture and break those winds before they reach the home. UV light also causes damage to buildings and the interior. When it penetrates through openings like the windows, doors, patios, and other areas, it will heat and bake surfaces including the floors, furniture, carpets, blinds, and curtains. You might have noticed that the areas around the window where the sunlight shines tend to fade out fast than other.

Some plants may not flourish in certain climatic regions and therefore, there is need to select the right plants. Homeowners are considering planting trees and flowers that tend to resist drought. The drought resistant plants can reduce the watering needs of landscaping features. Moreover, the size of a lot will determine how many trees can be planted.

Other plants have sharp thorns that can puncture the skin and cause serious injury. Children are known to be experimental as they tend to put anything they come across in mouth. It is easy for them to ingest poisonous saps through their hand to mouth activity. The good thing about landscapers in Ramrod Key, FL is that they never run out of ideas and can feed you will tens of designs to choose from.

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