Sunday, April 19, 2015

By Stella Gay

People as living things have very many needs. These needs are basically the things that they require for them to be able to live well. These things have been prioritized over time. The most important ones are catered for first and then the rest follow according to the availability of resources in the community. The purposes of a heavy duty puller are quite important.

The first and most important need is that one of food. All people require to eating food substances for them to be able to survive adequately. The meals should be balanced in nature so that one benefits from all the nutrients that the body requires. This is very important for growth and development of the same. Food is also vital for immunity and protection against infections.

People also dearly need air respiratory purposes. This is however not considered much due to the fact that air is readily available in the atmosphere and no one is required to incur on it. It is readily available and free to all those in need of it. One is only charged for it if they end up in the intensive care unit and require breathing aid. This brings in the point of medical healthcare for the people that require it.

Clothes are very important as well. These serve a very important role in society. Every work community has its own dress code for convenience and easy identification purposes. Personnel such as the military and other defense forces should be differentiated from civilians for security related reasons. This makes it very easy for them to carry out their duties without public interference.

Finally, people require some sort of accommodation. In the past, this was as easy and cheap at the same time as one only needed to put up a simple struggle that could withstand some rain and winds. Nowadays however, this has gotten complex as people require comfortable homes that must be equipped with several entertainment machines and other important household utilities.

The person can either rent a house or pay the monthly charges for using the house or they could pool resources and put up their own home. One can decide to gather facilities and construct a customized home to cater for their accommodation needs. This is the best option, it is very expensive though in the short run period.

Many people choose to venture into business and agricultural practices. These are the two most popular economic activities in society. Agriculture is basically the growing of crops and rearing of animals for either domestic or commercial purposes. These practices employ almost half of the entire world population in general. Business men also have done so much in community development worldwide.

A few people especially those with no particular training on knowledge and skills take on simple jobs such as the operation of machines such as tractors and other heavy duty machines like the cranes. These are very important in the pulling of heavy duty materials to the place of requirement without wasting man power and resources.

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