Saturday, June 14, 2014

By Ina Hunt

There are many benefits of setting up landscaping features in your yard and gardens. The immediate benefit is that these landscapes make those dull and solid areas to look pleasing to the eye. However, a landscape design is something you have to give a great thought especially in the planning, and this is one reason you need to invite a Colorado Springs landscaping designer to develop the plan.

Landscape design is not just about placing those trees, shrubs, flowers, or grass on soils. You need to plan carefully on anything you do otherwise you might mess up everything. Trees have many purposes in homes and when you plant them, they can assist in addressing some of the environmental problems. They are helpful in managing soil erosion, preventing running of surface water, and in improving the quality of air you breathe.

A good contractor should have the knowledge of both hardscapes and softscapes. In planting trees and flowers, many things will have to be looked at. The soil profile is one thing that has to be considered. Different areas have different soil profiles. The pH of soils affects the growth of grass, flowers, and trees.

Backflows of sewers may arise if roots have invaded the sewer pipes and grown inside. The roots are attracted by the moisture around the sewer lines especially during the dry season when there is no water. Because of the warm in sewer lines, the pipes tend to attract the moisture in soils and become wet.

However, you can consider using plants to hold the waters and allow them to soak in soils. With a dense cover of shrubs and trees, you will have a lot of mulch, which holds and keeps soils in place. This means that the soils are not carried by water as sediments and flown to the streams. Protecting top soils ensures that the flowers and plants have sufficient nutrients and moisture.

If you are going to spend money in every other little thing you want to do in your gardens, then it may not be sustainable in the long term. Because there are plants that can work best in that soil pH without altering or amending it, you should seek for those kinds of vegetation. In planting flowers, shrubs, trees, and grass, the landscaping contractors can make them functional.

Landscapes are not only made for aesthetic purposes, they can be used for functional roles whether they help in preserving the natural resources and protecting properties. Planting tall trees within the direction of winds can help in preventing damage of your property. Trees act as windbreaker elements and they will stop those raging winds before they cause damage on your roofing structure.

The safety of kinds and pets is very crucial when it comes to planting of grass, flowers, shrubs, trees, and other vegetation. If you have plants that contain poisonous sap, they could easily poison the children and cause accidents. Similarly, the pets may be poisoned. No matter how you love certain plants, before you place them in yards and gardens, consider their safety to the users.

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