Thursday, June 5, 2014

By Sally Delacruz

When one has a garden or a big yard on his property, then he would definitely want his yard to look really nice so that he can show it off to his neighbors. Now a very great way to make the garden look really good is to build some metal garden art. Now if one does not really know how to create this artwork, then these steps will be able to help him be able to start.

Now the very first thing to do is to simply decide what one would want to make out of those metal sheets. Now one can make something as simple as just a steel butterfly or he can make other things like a crocodile or some abstract art. What he would want to create would solely depend on the skills of the one making it and his creativity.

After he has decided what he would want to make, then he should now search for a template of it on the internet. If he cannot find a template of the specific thing that he wants to build, then he should find something similar and just improvise from there. The template is very important because it will tell the creator what metal pieces to buy and how to create the sculpture.

After one has already gotten himself a template then the next thing to do would be to get some materials in order to get started. Of course one would need the steel pieces that will be used in order to make the project. When he would go to the shop, he would then just have to look for the pieces that he would be needing for his sculpture.

Now the next thing to do would be to get some tools that can be used in order to manipulate the steel. In order to cut the steel one can actually use a hacksaw so that he will be able to cut off the big pieces. Now if he would just want to take out a few parts, he can just use some snips which looks just like pliers.

After he has gathered all of those things. Then the next thing he has to do would be to clean up the pieces a little bit. The thing about grimy and dirty steel pieces is that they will be hard to maneuver or manipulate. Also, one should take out the rust on the rusty ones as well.

The last thing that one should do now would be to just make the sculpture by following the template. The great thing about templates these days is that there are step by step instructions on how to create and complete the sculpture. Now all one would have to do would be to just follow these steps and everything will be made.

So basically, those are some of the things that one would have to do in order to create this kind of thing. As one can see, it is actually quite easy to make this kind of thing but will take quite a bit of time. As long as one has the patience, then he will definitely be able to create a masterpiece.

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