Monday, February 3, 2014

By Jayne Rutledge

Many people feel that they do not have the money to eat as healthfully as they would like to. Although it is true that California seasonal produce (or produce in other states), organic foods, and other healthy items can be costly, there are ways to save money on healthful items. If you take the time to shop thoughtfully, you can certainly save and eat well. Here are some tips for doing so.

1. Buy what is in season locally. In many cases, fruits and vegetables that are in season in your area will cost less than things that have to be shipped from somewhere else. In addition to possibly costing less, local fruits and vegetables have fewer harmful effects on the environment. These are both good reasons to buy local and in-season.

2. Compare prices. Find out which stores have the lowest prices on particular items, and commit to purchasing specific items only from the store with the lowest price. This can be difficult when your schedule is full, but after awhile, you will learn where you need to shop for what, and you can work those trips into your schedule in a way that is convenient.

3. Shop at wholesale markets. Wholesale markets are able to charge lower prices because they get their stock directly from the people who produce it. This cuts out many overhead costs such as extra shipping and storage. It also means that the products are fresher and have exchanged hands fewer times than those at a large, chain grocery store.

4. Buy from farmers' markets. Farmers' markets offer food even fresher and less removed from the source than wholesale markets. Often, the people who are at the tables selling the food are the very same people who grew it and/or made it. It feels good to pay someone directly for their product, and to be able to look into the face of the person who produced your food.

5. Apply for food assistance. Everyone hits rough patches sometimes, whether it is because of a job-loss, increased bills, or too many mouths to feed. Food assistance can be a great help in these situations, and it is nothing to be embarrassed about. If you have paid taxes at all, you have paid into the program, so why not take advantage of it when you need it? In some states, you can trade in food stamps for double-value tokens to use at farmers' markets. This helps you and the farmers, and is a fantastic way to save.

6. Buy food on special. Sometimes the specials for the week are random or due to overstock. Often, fruits and vegetables that are older or slightly damaged will be sold for a fraction of the regular cost. Always peruse these options, especially if you are planning to make a stir-fry or a soup. Veggies that are slightly wilted or bruised are find for cooking, and you can often save a lot by using them.

Follow these tips, and you will find that you can eat healthfully and save money. California seasonal produce, organic foods, and other healthy items do not have to be beyond your reach. When you find great deals, stock up! You can freeze or can things and save them for later.

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