Tuesday, February 4, 2014

By Jayne Rutledge

Owning a garden is wonderful to the eyes but is terrible on the back due to the maintenance needs. This is true if most of the area is covered with sod. It's because of this why a lot of clever homeowners and landscape artists go for the synthetic option. Artificial grass Seattle providers install allows for the creation of lush gardens that are almost effortless to maintain.

When it comes to the appearance, synthetic turf available currently is incomparable to something that was introduced in the 60s. The product is now suitable for so many other applications other than being installed at sports arenas. So many residences in the city actually take advantage of this alternative to the real deal although it can be difficult to tell initially.

Determining which one is real and which one is synthetic can be a challenging task when the two are placed side by side. Because manufacturers have perfected the production methods, fake sod these days look incredibly just like the actual thing. Whether observed or touched, it may take a while before a person becomes convinced that it is just actually made of plastic.

When properly maintained, a home garden can make the property look even more beautiful and provide an additional outdoor space for the family and guests to enjoy. However, it can be a real eyesore especially if turf covering the area has yellow and bald patches all over. Such problem is commonly faced by constantly busy homeowners.

Making sure that the garden looks fantastic is a back-breaking task. This is true most especially because so many factors are involved like the time and money of a homeowner, the property's size and the weather. The caring needs of sod are particularly demanding as regular watering, application of fertilizers, trimming and weeding all have to be carried out.

This is when the numerous perks to enjoy for opting for the artificial kind of turf become really evident. With this product installed, you don't have to provide anything that the real deal requires because it is made out of plastic materials like polyethylene and nylon. Making sure that your garden can make a lot of heads turn demands practically no effort on your part.

Currently, so many kinds of fake turf are available on the market. It is up to a homeowner or landscape artist to decide which among the different fiber densities, lengths and colors should be chosen in order to come up with the garden being envisioned. The plastic material the product is made of is resistant to all the elements, fading and bacterial growth. According to some manufacturers of the best products out there, their offerings can actually be enjoyed for 15 to 20 years.

Artificial grass Seattle experts install is preferred by many of today's local homeowners and landscapers. Just like with any other product out there, fake sod also has a few weak points such as the fibers heat up quickly and putting it in place can be quite expensive. Still the numerous benefits offered can easily make up for the few downsides.

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