Saturday, February 15, 2014

By Rob Sutter

To say that one organic farmers market after another is gaining popularity is something of an understatement. Very few will be able to argue with such a point as well but why is it that these crops have been given more attention these days? Is it possible that there is attention being given by some of the more notable parties out there? If you were to look at those who are constantly in the public eye, you may see that they offer some of the greatest support out there.

It's not abnormal for celebrities to take up healthier lifestyles, some of them making it more well-known than others. For example, during the time when "Iron Man 3" was the hottest release, Gwyneth Paltrow was talked about because of her regimen that she had put her family under, seeing as how it was healthier. However, what about the support from those which seem to be more royal by comparison? Forbes spoke about this and it seems as though Prince Charles has given his support on the matter, too.

The report went into detail about the Royal Family located in Britain and the level of support given in terms of keeping the environment in strong shape. Prince Charles was able to offer his backing and I think that this is a great motion, especially considering the degree of influence that he has as a public figure. He spoke against the conventions associated with industrial farming, believing them to be none too good for those invested on the matter. Prince Charles believed that nutritional quality, for one, would be hindered because of these methods.

There are many reasons as to why industrial farming should be done away with and the natural methods are ones that authorities such as Colle support. An organic farmers market can tell you that the types of crops that are marketed are going to be treated with some of the best methods possible. This means that anything along the lines of pesticides are not going to be seen in the long term. The nutritional benefits associated with these crops are those which deserve to be focused on.

As you can see, there are many different reasons as to why an organic farmers market should have more attention brought to it. It's apparent that these crops are going to be given the utmost attention and I have to believe that farmers who grow crops on a local basis will understand this as well. The idea of Prince Charles being able to bring attention to the matter is one that cannot be overlooked. Keep this in mind as you grant your own support to more organic living as well.

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