Wednesday, September 25, 2013

By Marla Mills

Landscaping helps transform the curb appeal of homes and business properties, while improving surface water runoffs, gardens, driveways, patios, parking lots, fences, gardens, and walls. A Colorado Springs landscaping designer can help you in transforming your home into an attractive premise. Landscaping is not just about decorations but adding value to a home while enhancing safety within the area.

Your car parks and driveways are ideal for enhanced traffic movement. You can install different kinds of design materials in your paving surfaces that can match with your building. Brick, stamped concrete, and gravel stones may be used in paving surfaces. Car parks and driveways collect surface water, which needs to be directed to proper drainage systems away from the home.

Some areas within your building have raised grounds. Walls can be designed to hold the raised grounds in position and prevention erosion and soil movement. Natural materials like bricks or slabs may be used. In gardens, walkways provide easy access to the beautiful flowers and plants. However, to ensure that your gardens get sufficient water, the designers can use gravel stones that allow water to percolate and settle in the ground.

If slabs and concrete blocks are used, the edges should be designed in such a way that water can seep down to the ground. The gardens need water to nourish the plants and flowers. Any effective fencing structure can also be appealing to the eye. Beautiful fences can add value to your yard while promoting security in premises.

The water collecting on the garden walkways can easily seep to the ground and help increase the water table for the gardens. The gardens need water to nourish the plants, grass, and flowers. In dry areas, instead of allowing the surface water from paving surfaces to be drained in drainage channels, you can allow it to seep down and increase the water table.

Your garden needs water to flourish and if the area is dry, you may not need to channel the surface water to drainage systems. That water can be allowed to percolate and drain to the ground. Small pond and other water features can enhance the appearance of your yard. The front yard landscape can consist of a small pond and custom streams that add life to your gardens.

You may not have thought twice about the plants you have grown up with but it is likely that they are toxic. The designer working on your gardens should advice you on the kind of plants you should grow. Some plants even have thorns, which could pierce through the skin or the foot when stepped on. Your pets are also in trouble if you have toxic plants around.

For the safety of your children, you can choose garden plants that are non-toxic, and which do not have thorns that could stab or pierce your kids. Similarly, your pets may be endangered by such toxic plants. A Colorado Springs landscaping designer will assist in designing, choosing the right paving materials, and installing the surfaces in your premise.

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