Thursday, June 11, 2015

By April Briggs

Safety considerations are always paramount when it comes to large trees. They need to be addressed by a tree trimming service in Reston VA. Hiring professionals is the wisest course of action, rather than attempting to do a dangerous job yourself. A trained trimmer can answer questions and explain the work to be done.

Why trim your trees in the first place? Some reasons are obvious, others are not. For example, it is recommended to remove branches that can damage your own or others' property. Large ones that overhang a home can break off if left unattended. They can fall on cars on a street blocking traffic. If this happens, the experts must step in. It can be the result of wind or internal disease in the plant. At all times, smaller branches can be pruned for the purposes of appearance and damage protection.

The technique of removing tree branches is called pruning. It will increase the safety of the area around the plant. It is also great for the plant. It enhances its natural shape and stimulates fruit production. Pruning is like a haircut for trees - something that needs to be done every once in a while to get rid of dead branches.

Tree branches are cut at a point called a node. This is where the branch is connected to another branch and the root of the branch. There are many different types of pruning. Some are called crown raising, crown thinning and V-shaped unions. Since some branches are very large, it is best to hire an expert to do the job. They will have the correct tools ad techniques to prune.

It is best to survey your trees before you hire a service. You will then be able to describe the work to be done. Tree removal may be called for if there is evident, long-term disease. Otherwise, branches that have fallen in a storm or are overgrown can easily be dispensed with. Trees need attention before and after an incident.

Before the job starts, you will have reviewed all qualifications and read the contract, fine print and all. You will have accepted the estimate and settled on a work date. You will want to know how long it takes and if it is guaranteed. A background check is always in order. Friends and neighbors may have their recommendations as well. Above all, you want a reputable and established service.

Check that the company has the proper credentials and licenses. It is illegal for anyone to operate tree removal without a license so check that the company is legitimate. Also, make sure they have insurance coverage. You want to check that they have liability and worker's compensation.

Don't hesitate to demand explanations. Ask questions and clarify your needs. Contractors expect this process and the good ones will give you peace of mind. They will cover the work provided and debris removal. The area should be left pristine. All terms are in the contract as well as the fees.

If these vital steps are taken, you can help to ensure satisfactory service from your tree trimming experts. You will have the peace of mind knowing you have hired the perfect contractor. Safety reigns supreme when it comes to your home and property. You must do what you can to maximize positive results.

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