Sunday, February 8, 2015

By Beryl Dalton

Applying fertilizer to lawns assures dense, healthy growth and an increased resistance to pests and drought. A lawn care company is a popular alternative to busy homeowners and also bring in a touch of professionalism. If you decide to use the services of these professionals, it is important that you make the right choice from the many in the industry today. When selecting a suitable lawn fertilizer service in Cary NC, the following are things you should consider.

Before you set out in search of prospective service providers, ensure you fully understand your needs and how a professional can be of help. Turf care companies provide a wide range of services, which include fertilizer application, mowing, pruning the landscape and weeding. Making a list of what you want will help you narrow down to only those companies that meet your requirements.

Locating prospective companies should not be a difficult task. This can be achieved using a number of approaches; asking for word of mouth referrals and searching in online databases. If you know of friends or neighbors who have taken good care of their turfs, ask them to recommend their service provider. They can also give reasons why they think that company will be suitable for the needs at hand. If you opt searching online, ensure you read reviews written about that company first.

One of the first things you should check are the credentials of that service provider. Are they licensed and registered by the state to provide these services? You want to be sure you are dealing with a company that has capacity to provide turf care services. Check whether they have staff who are excellently trained and certified in lawn care management.

Experience and reputation in the industry are other important consideration. You want proof that you are dealing with a company that has been around for a considerable number of years providing similar services. Ask to be given references you can follow up to know their views on services provided. This will give you an indication of what to expect.

Turf care programs provided vary in the variety of standard and optional agronomic services. Fertilization is an important part of any lawn care program. As the client, ensure you know what is included in the standard package. Many companies offer postemergence for broadleaf weeds and preemergence for crabgrass. Ensure you are aware of what programs are included in the standard package and how much it will cost you to get additional services.

Another important consideration is the approach towards fertilizer application and turf care. Ask if there are slow release nitrogen sources available. Slow release nitrogen fertilizers are more advantageous compared to quick release. They provide more uniform plant growth over longer periods of time and reduced potential for leaching. Check if they also use an integrated pest management program.

When looking for a lawn care provider, it is crucial that you make informed choices. Educate yourself on industry best practices and how a professional can help you achieve your goals with the turf. Asking for referrals from neighbors and friends talking excellent care of their turf will start you off on a good footing.

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