Tuesday, January 13, 2015

By Enid Hinton

A healthy and well maintained lawn is a source of beauty for a home. It creates an aurora of livelihood with the presence of green grass well laid out on the ground. With the addition of flowers and short well trimmed trees, a lawn can become very eye catching. Apart from beauty, the turf also creates a safe playing ground for kids because of its neatness and softness. However, your turf cannot achieve all these merits if it is not properly maintained and protected. This is why you are required to obtain quality lawn service Florida Keys.

If you need your turf to live long and very healthy, then you need to undertake constant maintenance services on it. You can be able to carry out these practices yourself but the help of an expert is highly recommended. Professional arborists understand better on what is best appropriate for your turf. There are several services that are carried out on turf.

Fertilization of turf is important. The grass requires adequate nutrients in order to grow healthy and strong. Fertilization can be done with chemical nutrients or organic based nutrients. Chemical nutrients are good but they may have side effects on the biological organisms present in the soil. They are also more effective than organic nutrients. Organic fertilization is recommended more in this case however, because it is more environmental friendly.

Weed control is another crucial service. Weeds compete with your turf for nutrients in the soil. This denies the grass a chance to have full access to the nutrients available in the soil. Weeds should be cleared in order to stop this nutrient competition. Ask experts to guide you on various best herbicides to apply in order to kill the weeds and avoid harming your turf.

Soil testing and lawn aeration are also important services. Soil should be tested by experts to determine its chemical components. This will help determine which type of turf is best to grow here. It will also help know which chemical fertilizers are best to apply. Air and sunlight aeration is important for the grass germination and food processing.

You should also control pests, diseases and insects. These may harm the grass and cause the death in some places or all of the turf. Experts will guide you on the best pesticides and insecticides to use on the lawn. These will prevent killing pests, insects and the grass in the process as well.

Moles cause very great damages as they eat the turf from underground hence uprooting the whole plant from the roots. To control them, you need to trap the moles or poison them using pesticides recommended by professionals. The uprooted plants should also be replaced in a procedure called gapping to prevent empty patches in the turf.

In order to create that ambience in your home, you just need to carry out proper maintenance services on your lawn. Seek professional help as experts understand more about what to do and what not to. These services are available in the Florida Keys.

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