Monday, September 22, 2014

By Karina Frost

People often work hard just to be able to satisfy all their needs and all their wants. They work long hours at a job they despise just to stay financially afloat. They even keep two, three more jobs just to be able to provide for even the most basic of needs. They do not mind having to make the sacrifice, as long as they know they will be deriving something from it at the end.

Human beings have their own hierarchy of needs, and it is an absolute must to at least fulfill the primal ones. They satisfy their food needs by eating three standard meals per day. They fulfill their needs for clothes by shopping what is often considered in fashion. They actualize their need for a house by buying one, complete with a wide open space that has to be cared for by Lawn Service Olney.

While some people really aim to have that palace like house with countless rooms, some would rather have comfortably sized abode, as long as it comes with a really huge lawn and a magnificent view. A lawn is that area of land that is usually planted with grasses and other durable plants. These plants are often maintained at a short height, and is used for aesthetic and recreational purposes.

Most lawns are composed only of different species of grass, although some sport the occasional bush here and there. They are also often subject to pest and weed control, along with other special procedures done to maintain the healthy green color of the entire area. Lawns, above everything else, should also be mowed regularly.

To keep them looking their best, they should always be mowed and trimmed at regular periods. Trimming is done to keep the grass healthy as it slowly grows. As there are so many types of grass that could be used for the lawn, each owner must also take note of the different minimum height measurements to maintain green healthy plants. Cut them too short and they will be vulnerable to the attack of the weeds.

The soil around them should be aired and loosened every once in a while. This one should be done especially in areas of the entire space where people and animals frequently pass. If this is not done, the soil could be compacted, making it harder for grass to grow and for the weeds, with their harder roots, to take advantage. To avoid this, use an aerator at regular intervals.

Herbicides and fertilizers are allies in lawn care. They encourage the growth of grass and discourage the weeds from ever growing. One should only exercise care and caution when using them, as the quantity to use is often dependent on several different factors.

Thatch build up is something that one should keep a close watch on. This layer of plant material is found sandwiched between the soil and the blades of grass. If they are allowed to thicken, they will be an obstruction to the supply of minerals and water that should be received by the roots.

Lawn care can be done on your own, though it comprises hard work. Some just leave the work to the experts, as they are the ones with extensive knowledge and the experience to match. They can make your space look good in no time.

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