Sunday, May 25, 2014

By Marci Glover

Trees are important landscaping elements that provide privacy and shade while improving the overall aesthetics of the environment. Aside from making sure trees have enough water to survive, most property owners have no idea how to care for their trees. When they need help with treatment for diseased trees, insect control, removal, and maintenance, they can rely on an experienced arborist in Plano TX.

Hiring an arborist to care for trees is a wise investment for property owners. Healthy trees improve curb appeal and can add to overall property value. Unhealthy or poorly maintained trees look bad and can be a safety hazard. This is so because they are in danger of losing branches and can even fall over if they have extensive damage.

Trees require regular maintenance just like any other landscaping element. With proper care, they will keep growing for decades and as they continue to grow, they increase in value. Having an experienced tree specialist inspect them periodically allows the detection of environmental damage, insect infestation, and disease to occur during the early stages while there is a still a chance to save the tree.

Arborists have the tools they need to cut off any unhealthy branches, restoring the tree's shape and guiding its growth. This is a process known as pruning and it plays an important role in helping a tree maintain its structural integrity. If dead or weakened branches remain in place, they can crash to the ground causing physical harm or damage to the surrounding property.

Thinning the canopy involves removing any dead branches and those that are growing in awkward directions. This offers protection for the tree during windstorms. It also allows sunlight to penetrate the canopy and reach the grass and other plants growing near the tree's base.

Because oak trees are so popular in this region of Texas, oak wilt is a common disease. This fungal disease is fatal to trees because it impedes their ability to draw water from the roots to the branches and leaves. Red oak trees are more susceptible to this disease than white oaks. The disease spreads quickly from tree to tree. Arborists currently do not have a cure but they can provide fungicidal injections to halt the spread. If the injections are delivered during the early stages, it can extend the life of the tree.

When insect infestation, severe weather, or disease damages a tree beyond repair, removal is often the only solution. Depending on the size and location, arborists have various ways to remove a tree. The process is a complicated one involving the use of rigging and cables to stabilize the tree during the removal so it cannot cause damage to surrounding landscape or any structures near its location.

After removing a tree, professional arborists can eliminate the stump. Stumps detract from the appearance of the property and offer the ideal environment for insects to thrive. Allowing these pests to remain on the property can lead to damage of other trees, shrubbery, and grass.

Trees offer many benefits, including an increase in privacy. Their shade offers welcome relief from bright sunlight and they can provide protection from wind. Property owners can keep their trees healthy by hiring a qualified arborist.

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