Friday, May 23, 2014

By Marci Glover

A vacation in one of these structures, deep inside the wild forest is undoubtedly one of the greatest pleasures that one would long for. Over time, these beautiful works of nature have gradually risen to be one of the most adorable tourists hideouts. Funnily enough, it bothers a few number of individuals how these ideal structures come into existence, leave alone what the tree house builders go through to ensure that these magnificent structures stand still. A glimpse of the tree building process not only equips one with essential skills necessary for erecting ones own tree house within his home but also ensure that they truly appreciate the work of those who see to it that these beautiful structures are in place for their lovers.

For a start, the deck is put in place and this must be done in a relatively flat piece of land if the stability of the structure is to be realized. Since this one serves as its foundation, high quality material such as sturdy tree is recommended. These are cut into varying sizes according to the size and structure to be put up. This is closely followed by joining the perimeter of the individual sturdy trees with the aid of lag bolts. This in turn ensure that the timber are fastened up at the joints, thereby guarantying stability of the structure.

This is followed by attaching the girders with the respective floor joists in order to ensure the perfect stability of this structure. Just before constructing the walls, remember to apply pressure treated plywood to the entire system to have the materials firmly in place.

Coming to the walls, the already sized pieces of timber are position along the deck, ready for attachment to each other. Preferably, use pressure treated nails if the preferred shape of the structure is to be realized. At this stage you can also add other necessary materials to boost the aesthetic value of the structure as the wall greatly determine this.

To evade any possibility of draught, the trees forming the walls are closely put together. This close range arrangement of the building material also ensures that the prospective occupants are not victims of adverse weather attack.

Having put in place the floor and the walls, one has all the reasons to gather all the remaining energy to work on the roof which basically determines the houses suitability for human occupation. This vigorous exercise starts with framing of the gable end of the roof. This is done in accordance to the structure and its apparent size. To have the length of the roof perfectly spanned on the gable end, it is necessary to attach a ridge beam at this point.

Having done all these, it is now time to have the roof accurately pitched. This best achieved by having the rafters carefully fixed to the ridge beam without forgetting that this has to start from the middle. After closely nailing these together, wind up by covering the roof with a reliable pressure treated material to prevent water penetration into the house.

Before you know it, the tree house is ready for use and can further be beautified by paint to improve its aesthetic value. This is what makes them rate the best.

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